Chapter 14

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Dedicated for following Paul. Thanks. 

Paul hastily rushed to the same place Fash was headed. It wasn’t exactly hard to find out where the body was found, since it was in the same area the last victim of Contro’s newly famous serial killer was taken.

Natalie Lowe. The last place anyone saw her before she met me.

 Paul arrived on the scene blocked off by yellow tapes, flashing patrol cars, crowds, and news crews. He managed to squeeze between a crowd of people all being told to back off by angry cops, cringing as he brushed passed people. The crowd was full of all types of people, some in shock, others were intriuged.  Paul made it to the edge of the barrier but didn’t step too close he didn’t feel like being told to ‘back the fuck off’ like the last guy. People were looking down from windows in the surrounding buildings. 

The three part forenscis team with fluro vest were analysing the body. A young man and two women. A camera dangled from the neck of the heavy set team member, she brushed her blonde hair back as she adjusted the camera settings. A woman with hair as red as the victims blood was putting on rubber gloves as she opened her briefcase. The man walked slowly looking through the camera for any small details and clicked away continuously.

 Bill Darsen, Fash, and her unknown partner entered the scene from the back of a dark van and immediately got to work. Bill and the unknown detective rolled the body of the woman on her side after talking to the forensic team, probably making sure they had all the photos.

 Paul recognized her immediately, Trish! Alvin! What a messy kill.

 He looked over at Fash who was talking to a uniformed police officer and one by one the flashing lights of the patrol cars turned off.

 What the fuck? The rest of the crowds seemed to be confused also.

 Fash called the heavy set blonde woman armed with a camera over and pointed a finger full circle of the entire area, instantly with flashes the woman clicked away.

 Fuck! They’re photographing the crowd! I’m fucked!

 Thinking quick Paul removed his phone and started taking photos of his own pretending to be apart of the crowd many who were doing the same and backed away slowly. He only looked down at the screen whilst he walked away pretending to check out his recent snap shots.

A uniformed officer began descending on Paul as he was leaving the newly barricaded area. Paul was brilliant at reading people this skinny dark man was new to the force and this was probably his most exciting event yet and Paul was about to make it better.

 Before the man could speak Paul started, “Hey you,” Paul flashed his wallet briefly showing his licence, “I.T,” Paul pretended to catch his breath, “Detective Fash needs you and your buddy over there up front immediately this crowds getting out of hand I can’t get to work,” Paul nodded over at the other uniformed officer stopping people from leaving.

 The rookie called out to his officer for back up and both stormed off into the crowd as fast as their legs could take them. Only to contaminate the crime scene, Paul knew they’d be hanged for a stunt like this.

 Sorry boys.

He walked on occasionally looking back to make sure he wasn’t being followed he saw a nerdy looking man in a singlet holding a coffee staring at him.

It was daylight before Fash entered the unit again and Paul wondered what excuse she gave to her partner for ditching him for breakfast.

Stress leave?

Paul LantarWhere stories live. Discover now