Chapter 11

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To CompulsiveWriter for giving me loads of advice! 

Three weeks of bloodshed, and none of it involved Paul’s expertise. He was growing anxious, every moment that Fash’s was alive so far. The taskforce was almost certain that the back packer, was Paul’s first victim. Paul knew they were right, but they had no evidence.

How did they even know his disappearance is linked to the others?            

As planned, the biker gangs across the city all declared war on each other, there was a new body almost every third day. Tit-for-tat slayings had the police in frenzy, and the forensics teams heavily overworked. There was still no replacement for the deputy Mayor, whose assassination was still unsolved. Leaving the Mayor in a state of panic, he amped up security ten fold, not leaving anything to chance. People were starting to rename him, ‘The President’.

Angelo hadn’t been connected to Paul, so far Angelo’s was the only body to be found, no one knew why someone would kill such a good public figure. Natalie Lowe’s disappearance was blamed on the city’s serial killer, due to her writings about Paul.

Bill Darsen, will surely be collecting all of her articles for evidence.

Almost everyday he waited outside the hotel, housing Fash’s and her partner for the entirety of the investigation. She was a busy bee, she had breakfast at the café down stairs with her partner, went to work, came back to the hotel. Occasionally at night, she slipped out for a drink with her partner, and always returned with him.

 Don’t they get sick of each other? Ah people! Paul cringed as he weaved through them.

There must have been thousands of people in this street alone, walking through to the CBD. Paul was working the afternoon shift, and decided to take Veena out.

“Why are we walking along looking at hotels?” Veena was getting annoyed; Paul promised they would be going to the beach.

“This is close to the beach. I didn’t say what time exactly,” he looked up at the huge building containing two of his adversaries, though they probably weren’t there now. They would surely be out looking for him.

This was Paul’s solution to keeping Veena busy, every chance he got he took her somewhere separating her from Jackson and Carina. For Carina on the other hand, he had agreed to let her study him for her psychology exams. Jackson was too busy partying to care, with his family and friends under control; it was time to control other more important issues. 

“So…what are we doing here?”

“I don’t know I just thought it would be nice to take a walk, look at the city, something romantic,” he set his guilt trip in motion.

“Aw,” Veena hugged him.

“Hey, look lets get something from this café,” Paul secretly wished Fash would come along with her partner, and start talking about their investigation.


 The café was a lot different from Veena’s, Paul could tell she felt like a traitor just being in here. This place was very up market everything was expensive.

 “Sorry, I didn’t think about your business, lets go somewhere else,” Paul was good at apologizing to Veena now. He’d discovered being an asshole, and making up for it, was part of being a boyfriend. Thanks to countless movies. 

“No its okay, its so nice to have someone else make stuff for you,” she twirled her freshly dyed blue streak of hair.

“I love that.”

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