Chapter Twenty

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Mystery's POV: (Three Months Later) 

It's been three months since I had my twins, and I finally get to bring my baby boy home! Niall and I's friendship has re-kindle, as have all others, which I am really happy for. Occasionally, I still have a melt-down about the loss of my baby girl, but I'm slowly getting better. I decided to name my baby Blake Alexander Summers, and I am quite happy with how well he's doing.

"Mystery, c'mon. It's time for Blake to see his new home!" Niall smiled softly as he picked up the car-seat with Blake in it.

"Right! Let's go?" I agreed.

Ariannah's POV:

I was bouncing by the door step, waiting for Niall's car, when I was grabbed from behind.I let out a blood curdling scream while maneuvering my leg to swing back and kick the person in the groin area. Immediately, I was dropped back onto the ground as the person fell. Turning around to look at my attacker, I gasped. "Louis! I'm so sorry! You really scared me!" I said, bending down to sit on the floor next to him.

"H-happy Birthd-day!" Louis groaned.

"What?" I was confused. No one has ever said that to me before, not that I can remember anyways.

"I said, happy birthday." Louis repeated once he got his composure back.

"I know what you said... What do you mean by it though?"

"Ariannah, c'mere and sit with me on the couch, yeah? I want to chat with you." Louis said, standing up and grabbing my hand.

I heard a car door and snapped my head towards the open door just in time to see Mystery getting out of the car with the help of Niall. "Sorry, Lou, no time!" I said, running out of the house.

"Alright, but we're still going to have that chat!"

I gave him a thumbs p right before jumping into Niall's awaiting arms. "Niall, I missed you!" I said as I buried my face in his neck. 

The past couple of months, Niall has been staying at the hospital with Mystery. Yeah, he would come home for a bit to shower and what not, we'd even make trips to the hospital as a group; but still, I missed spending time with all day with him. He refused to leave Mystery and her baby, Blake, alone at the hospital no matter how many time Mystery told him to go home.

"I missed you too! But now, Mystery and Blake get to be home with us!" Niall smiled before kissing my forehead. "Happy birthday, by the way!"

I groaned, "What does that even mean?!"

"Ari, didn't Jim ever celebrate your birthday?"

"Niall, can you help me get Blake?" Mystery asked quickly.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you inside, alright?" He asked as he set me down.

I nodded before skipping back towards the house. 

Niall's POV: 

I walked around the car to un-hook Blake from his car-seat only to realize she already did. "I thought you needed help?" I asked, looking at her curiously.

She started slapping my arm. "Are you stupid?!" She hissed.


"No, Jim didn't celebrate her birthday! Well, at least nor when Alicia was brought into the picture. He didn't care for any of us three at all after Lakin's mom's death! You can't ask her questions like that! She's already hurt enough because of him. Please, don't add more."

"You're right, I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry."

She smiled and kissed my cheek, causing me to blush lightly, before stepping around me to grab Blake. "Can I just leave his car-seat in your car?" She asked.

"Hmm? Oh, what? Yeah!" I said, still flustered from her kissing my cheek.

She giggled before taking Blake out of his car-seat carefully. He just reacted by beginning to cry loudly.

"Oh, no, no, no! Please, you were fine before I touched you!" Mystery pleaded. "Niall, can you shut the car door? I've got to take him inside and see if he'll eat."

I nodded before closing the door for her as she moved out of the way. Together, Mystery and I made our way inside the house as she carried a still crying Blake. Once inside, Mystery continued her journey upstairs while I greeted the others.

Mystery's POV: 

After thirty minutes of trying to get Blake to calm down and eat, I finally just gave up from pure exhaustion. Every time I touch him, Blake cries until I finally hand him over to someone else, even then he still cries. Blake never really sleeps, and it's really scaring me! The doctor said it's nothing to worry about, but I'm not too convinced. It hurts so much because I'm his own mother, and he already hates me! Niall tells me I'm being to hard on myself, but he doesn't understand how I feel. I doubt he really ever will.

Carefully, I stood up with Blake still crying as I continued to cradle him in my arms as I walked back downstairs. Once Niall glanced at me, he smiled sympathetically at me before standing up and walking towards me. "Love, you need rest. Let me take care of him, yeah?" He whispered softly as he caustiously caressed Blakes head.

"Niall, you've done so much for me already! I couldn't possibly ask you to do that!" I said, smiling softly.

"Then don't ask. Just hand him over?"

Sighing, I finally gave in before handing Blake to Niall. "Do I need to make a bottle for him? Or does he already have one made?" Niall asked as he carefully cradled Blake in his arms.

"Um, I've got one made upstairs. I'll go get it." I said before rushing upstairs to grab it

When I came back downstairs, Niall was sitting on the couch, softly singing to a now sleeping Blake. I smiled at the sight. Even if it hurt, at least someone managed to get him to sleep. I watched as Niall carefully stood up before carring him upstairs, probably to put him in his crib. Following him, I learned that my assumptions were correct when I watched him carefully lay Blake down. Leaning against the doorframe, I whispered, "You're going to make a wonderful father one day."

Niall quickly turned around, obviously not knowing I had followed him. He just shrugged, "Eh, if I ever get the guts to make a move on the girl I fancy, then we'll see what happens."

"Thank you for doing that. I don't know how you did it, but thank you."

"No thanks needed, Love. I'm sure you would have done the same for me."

"I'm not sure I could have. I honestly think Blake hates me."

"No, he doesn't. He's just lost and confused. He'll come around soon. Anyways, let's not think about that. You need to get your rest because there is a little cutie downstairs that is in need of serious birthday spoiling!" Niall cheered quietly.

(A/N: Alright! There is Chapter Twenty for you! Tell me what you think? xx Much love! xx)

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