Chapter Twenty-Four

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Mystery's POV: 

It's been almost four years since my dad was shot down in the basement that he used to do horrid things to Lakin and I. Ironic huh? Turns out, not only did my dad die; but at the same time, so did Atlanta. Alicia, my own mother, came after us but found her instead. Even to this day, Lakin and I both blame ourselves.

Anyways, since then, things have changed. Relationships got stonger, as did friendshipsNiall proposed to me last year, and we're getting happily married in two days. Leading up to now has been very stressful. All the planning while the lads are on tour, all the fear of my mother coming back, it almost made me say 'no'. However, I love Niall, as he loves me. So, it's all worth it, really.

"Baby-Love, get some sleep. I know Blake kept you up all night. So, please, let one of the other girls take care of him for a bit?" Niall asked through the phone.

"Ni, it's not Blake. He's been really good, especially when you sing to him through the phone. I just sleep well without you." I sighed.

"Mystery, you need sleep!"

"You'll be home in a few hours after you get on the plane. I'm sure you'll have jet-lag so, we can sleep then!"

Niall's POV: 

After getting off the phone when my flight was called. Finally, several hours laterm I'm finally home to mine and Mystery's house. You see, thst one big house wasn't enough for all of us. We each bought a house, meaning Li and Dani; Lou and El; Zayn and Pez; Haz and Lakin; and Mystery, Blake, and I all have have a house. Since we all live within walking distance of each other, Ari stays with whoever she wants, granted most of her time is spent here. Mystery and I were able to finally get custody of Ari two years ago, and we've been extremely happy since.

I was torn from though by the sound of Blake's screaming and crying, probably just got told 'no' to something. "Blake, calm down! No, don't run down-" She was cut off by Blake tripping and rolling down the last few stairs.

Quickly, I ran over to him. "Blake, are you alright?!" I panicked, checking to see if anything was bleeding or broken.

"Daddy!" He cried, burying his face in my chest.

I looked up at the sound of crying. "Baby-Love, what's wrong?" I asked as I stood up, picking Blake up with me.

"I-I'm just so happy that you are here! I've been so stessed with everything, and not having you here with me, it's all be so hard!" She cried, hugging Blake and I tightly. "I've missed you so much!"

I kissed the top of her head while rubbing her back. "I'm sorry all the stress of planning the wedding got thrown on you. I never should have left for tour."

"And let your fans down? I don't think so!"

"C'mon, you promised you'd sleep once I got here. Well, I'm here now. So, let's have a family nap time." I smiled.

(A/N: So, four years has passed! Atlanta, Lakin's mother, died the same day as Jim? What do you think is going to happen since Alicia is still on the run? Vote to find out? xx Much love! xx)

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