Chapter Twenty-Five

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Mystery's POV: 

It's the day of my wedding, and I am beyond nervous. I've been shaking non-stop for about thirty minutes now. "Mystery, calm down. Niall loves you, and you love him. Everything is going to be perfect!" Ariannah assured. 

"I don't know what I would do without you!" I smiled, pulling her into a hug.

She giggled before saying, "C'mon, it's almost time!"

Niall's POV: 

As I stood at the alter waiting, my heart was pounding. So many thoughts rushed through my head at once. Just when I was starting to think she backed out, she made her appearance on the isle, beinging led by Paul since he's been like a father to her since they met.

Once he handed her off to me, I couldn't let go of her hand, I could hardly pay attention to what the preacher was saying; but I managed to make it through the vows, our 'I do's', and to his final words: "You may now kiss the bride."

Smilinging with tears in both of our eyes, I pulled her into a passionate kiss. She is mine, as am I hers. We are one! "I love you Mrs. Horan!" I mumbled against her lips.

"I love you too, Mr. Horan!" She mumbled back.

Pulling away, the two of us made our way to the car that would take us to the reception.

Ari's POV: 

As I held Blake while the two of us danced around playfully, I kept glancing at Niall and Mystery as they smiled lovingly at each other. "Mumma looks happy with Daddy!" Blake smiled.

"She does, doesn't she?" I agreed.

"Yupp! Will I ever be that happy?"

"As long as you follow after Niall, you'll be just as happy. But, you gotta find and love the right woman."

"But girls are icky!" He grimaced, making a disgusted face.

"Hey now, you're the one that plays with worms!"

Mysterty's POV: 

Everyone was seated at ther tables when Paul called for everyone's attention from the stage. Once he gathered their attention, he cleared his throat. "In the seven years I have worked with the lads, Niall has never been happier than when he is at even the mention of Mystery's name. Their relationship has not been easy to maintain, none of them have been, yet here they are, sitting before me now Mr. And Mrs. Horan. I can recall  one vivid memory of nearly five years ago. It was the day that Mystery found out that she was pregnant with Blake. I had driven her and Lakin to a nearby Pharmacy and waited outside while the two went in. 'Til this day, I still don't know what happened in there, I don't plan on knowing; but when they came out, it was clear that Mystery was upset. I pulled her into a hug, asking if she was alright. As we talked a few minutes, she asked wat she was going to do if she ended up pregnant. My responce to her was-" Paul smiled.

"Well, you are going to eventually give birth to a beautiful baby. Then, you are going to marry Niall, and the two of you will raise a beautiful family together!" I whispered as he recited it.

"I do believe, that was the first time she actually admitted her feelings for Niall, and look at where she sits now. Newly wedded with none other than Niall." Paul concluded with a smile, others applauding while I she a few tears.

After Paul got off the stage, I ran over to him before pulling him nto a hug. "Thank you for everything you've done for me, Paul." I whispered as he hugged me back.

"Love, you've come to be like my daughter. I would do anything and more for you." He whispered back before pulling out of the hug and kissing my forehead. "Now, go back o your husband. He looks lonely."

Following Paul's instructions, I walked back over to Niall only ro have him pull me into his lap which, in return, caused me to blush. "I was wondering where you scampered off to." Niall chuckled, kissing my heated cheek.

Zayn's POV: 

The reception had finally ended, meaning Niall and Mystery were getting ready to leave soon. As all of us hugged the two goodbye, I grabbed Blake and chukled at his little giggles. "Ready to stay with me and have a blast for the next few days?" I asked him enthusiastically. 

"Yeah! Cookies?" He smiled.

"If you're a good boy for me, I'll get you whatever your little heart desire." I agreed.

"Zayn, don't you dare give him sweets before he eats actual food!" Mystery warned.

I just stuck my tongue out at her while winking at Blake. "I'll take care of him, just go enjoy your honeymoon!"

Mystery kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly before placing a kiss on Blake's forehead. "Be good." She warned us.

"Yes, Mumma." Blake assured with his accent that was a mix between British, Irish, and American.

She kissed his forehead once more before allowing Niall to lead her away.

(A/N: There you have it... The last Chapter... "Trapped" is over, but not officially... I will publish the Epilogue right after I finish it... Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this story! Now the final question, what should I write next? Should I work on one of the ones on hold? Or one that has not yet been published at all? Go to my book "Announcements" to see some of the books that have yet to be published! Take your pick and whichever gets suggested most in the Comments or on my Message Board/Messages will be what I work on! P.S. Picture of what Ariannah looks like now on the side! xx Much love! xx)

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