Chapter Twenty-Two

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The Woman's POV: 

Five years. Five years Jim has been lying to these three girls. Five years I have been hiding from Alicia. Five years I have been watching Mystery, Lakin, and Ariannah suffer. It ends today. No more hiding,lying, or suffering! I was torn from though by a male's voice, "You girls know her?"

Mystery released me and turned toward the two males, one of which was holding my little Ariannah. "Niall, Harry, this is Lakin's mom, Atlanta. Ariannah, this is your actual mother." Mystery explained.

"But, Lakin, you said she had passed away?" The curly haired one spoke.

"Um, yeah, about that... Surprise?" I cut in.

"So, you've been pretending to be dead while Jim did horrid things to these three?! How could you?!"

"Harry, calm down! She had to have had a good reason!" Lakin assured.

"How can you to be so calm about this?! She abandon you with someone insane!" Niall spoke harshly.

"Please, just give her time to explain!" Mystery begged.

"Fine, but not here, Blake is starting to wake up. Let's get the others and go." The curly haird one spoke, rocking a bundle in his arms gently.

Mystery's POV: 

After a long and awkward car ride, we finally made it back home. I carried Blake inside before going to make him a bottle. Once I was done making his bottle, I carried him into the living room and sat beside Niall. Niall wrapped his arm around me and held me close.

"Alright, I've got to say it! You two are adorable!" Lakin gushed, causing us to bluch. "Anyway, half of you have no clue who this is, "She continued, motioning to her mom." Well, this is my mom."

"Um, hi. I know that it's been said that I'm dead, but I'm not. I had to fake it. I know it seems wrong, but I had no choice! Alicia was going to kill my girls had I not. Granted, Mystery isn't really mine because she is Alicia's, but I look at her as though she is because I've known her all her life. Niall, think back to when you were about twelve. Do you remember watching your neighbors leave in a hurry. Taking with them, your two best friends?" Atlanta began.

"Oh my God! Th-that's why I felt a connection with them as soon as I saw them in the park!" Niall gasped, standing up and hugging Atlanta.

"Yeah, Alicia chased us away. At least then, Jim was on my side. But now, Alicia has control of him, and we can't do anything about it. She's the reason I staged my death. She would have killed the girls. I had no choice. What I did was wrong. I should have fought for their safety, but I didn't have the strenght. I still don't, but you lads might! What do you say?" 

Perrie's POV: 

Everyone shared a few glances, not really knowing what to say. I mean, who would? Alicia Keys, a well known singer, ending her career because she was jealous; and Jim Carrey, a well known actor, having a fling with Alicia only to have everything backfire! Both of them were better off before they hooked up, but now, their careers are falling apart.

"How exactly are you planning on us doing anything about Jim?" Niall asked, breaking my from my thoughs.

"So, you're in?" Atlanta asked hopefully.

"Only if they are." Niall motione towards everyone else.

"Of course we are!" Everyone agreed

(A/N: I know it's short, but the next chapter is filled with drama! Hopefully it will be up soon? xx Much love! xx)

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