The Plan

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Clove's POV

"Seriously?" I sighed after hearing what my mentor had said.

What a silly plan. We career tributes are known to be vicious and lethal, we are feared by other tributes. We need to gain attention from the sponsors by showing how mighty we are.

"This is ridiculous. We're here to fight to death, not to be a softie."

"You can do whatever you want, if you want to kill as many you as want then go. But the point is, we're trying to keep one of you alive. Not only because we want another victor from our district but maybe it's our chance to make it more easier. Imagine the possibility, maybe both of you can make it. Think about it Clove."

Still, it doesn't convinced me. Two victors? Hah! The Capitol is cruel, they won't let it happen. It would be a shame to them. But I guess there's nothing wrong with trying.

I've waited so long for this to happen. This might be my chance to win easily. The victor of the 74th Hunger Games: Clove Kentwell. Sounds good to me.

"Fine. I'll do it."


Enobaria's POV

I've been mentoring tributes from our district for the past few years. From all of the tributes I had handled, 4 of them became victors.

I'm doing everything that I can to keep them alive. I had taught them strategies. But this year is different. I'm handling two tributes with different aims, the feisty girl who volunteered because she wants to be a victor & the tough guy who volunteers because he loved this girl.

I'm not a matchmaker or something but we're talking about lives here. This might or won't succeed but at least we tried. Clove Kentwell might become a victor. Cato Hadley might become a victor. In the end, both of them can get what they want.

A/N I'm back! Sorry this chapter sucked -,-

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