The Last Plan

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Clove’s POV

I may not be able to kill Marvel with my own hands but his death was satiating. It may be lousy, he didn’t really suffer but still, he did end up dead. His strategy was really predictable and dumb. If I were him, I won’t hesitate killing my enemies in their sleep now that we’re no longer allies.But he chose to just follow us all along and hide, then decides to kill us in daylight. What a bummer. District one may produce lots of ‘potential Victor’ tributes but they don’t really produce the best ones unlike our district. What do you even expect from a district who’s about luxury? All they do is show off, nothing more nothing less. They’re good at weapon but dim-witted when it comes to strategies, no wonder they’re desperate for attention during the interviews. They know they won’t last that long.

“I wonder what Katniss and Peeta are up to now .. uhm, are you sure it’s not broken or something?” my attention was diverted to Cato who’s covering his nose. He nods, “It hurts a bit but I’m certain that its not broken, and it stopped bleeding.” showing his hands smeared with blood. “I’m glad you’re okay.” I said, suddenly smiling at him. But I felt a pang on my chest, knowing that we’re coming to an end. No one knows what might happen afterwards or tomorrow, I could end up dead or become the new Victor. Why am I feeling timid at times like this? This isn’t the Clove Kentwell that I knew, she was vicious, and she feared no one. What’s happening to me?

“So, what’s our plan for tomorrow?” I asked Cato to keep me off from my thoughts. “Since Katniss was able to get their backpack back in the feast, I’m pretty sure Peeta is already well now. I think they’re also planning on what they’re going to do with us but Peeta isn’t really that tough. He’s no threat to us.” Cato reassured. “He may not be tough but he was able to trick us, he won’t last the game but he knows that Katniss can ..” memories of my conversation with Peeta came flashing back. He knows about me and Cato. “ .. they do have good strategy too, we shouldn’t underestimate them.” I said, then silence follows both of us.

Back at those times when I thought we’re all different from each other. I underestimated everyone, thinking that I’m the only who’s keen to win. But I was wrong, everyone has their motives why they kept on keeping themselves alive. Marvel may have done senseless things to keep himself alive but just like, he wanted to win. Peeta may appear as a weakling but he does his part to help Katniss make it back home for her sister and mother. I never thought that the two tributes from district 12 were like our alter egos, the other one is willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of the other one. We don’t have any choice but to kill each other, even if we end up uniting with each other against the Capitol, it won’t help. It would cause a big trouble, us and our families might end up dead if we do something against them, against President Snow who controls our lives and with a snap on his finger, everything can change.

It’s been a while but none of us have spoken again. Cato was contemplating something. It may be our strategy, or it may be regrets. He could’ve just ignored volunteering, he could’ve just stayed but he chose not to. Now he’s facing the consequences. He’s facing death alongside with me. But is it my fault? When all I ever wanted is to fulfill a promise I made .. to become a Victor. No matter how I tried to convince myself that it’s not my fault since it was solely his decision, he made me feel bad about myself. He made me reconsider all my decisions, is this all worth it? What if I die? Or what happens next if I win? What if I chose not to volunteer in the first place? Now isn’t the time to doubt myself, I’ve already made a decision and nothing can stop me from having it. But I’m really confused ..

“Can I ask you something?” I asked, breaking the silence that’s enfolding us.

“What is it?” his eyes locked on mine.

I smiled. “I know everything’s coming to an end and I think it’s not fair that you’re already forfeiting for my own sake, we’ve trained harder for years to become the best ones. Don’t let it all go to waste, there are also people who are waiting for you to come back. This is not my game, it is yours, Peeta’s and Katniss’ too. And I’ve already come up with a plan, first thing tomorrow in the morning we’re going in our separate paths to look for them ..”

“What do you mean by that?” Cato interrupted.

"I wanted to have a fair game for the both of us, like the usual game where an enemy is an enemy.” I said.

“But I don’t want to, I can’t ..” he faltered.

“It hurts me too, you know? Knowing that we might never see each other again. But it’s the last thing that I wanted you to do. I wanted you to fight for your own, become a vicious one again. Do me favor, will you promise me?” I asked.

“I .. I pro ..” he hesitates and avoid my eye contact.

“Please.” I said softly.

“I promise.” he said.

Those were the last lies I’ll tell him.

I hope.

A/n few more chapters to go ~

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