New Ally

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Cato and Clove shared a moment as if no one exists around them. As if they are the only ones there. To Cato it is something that he would cherish but for Clove it was all part of her plan. But they haven't noticed someone who's silently watching over them.

Morning came, Marvel and Clove were figuring out what to do with the piles of stuff in the cornucopia.

"I guess there are weapons inside it. We should open one." Marvel reached out for the case but Clove hit him first.

"No! You shouldn't have done that. You know nothing about what's inside. What if there's something that might trigger and make it explode? You're going to kill all of us here!" Clove exclaimed.

"What? You don't believe in the more, the merrier huh?" Marvel jested as Clove slapped him on the back.

"I don't. So if you want yourself get killed, go then, open one of those."

"Jeez Clover! It's like 7 in the morning. I guess. I don't know how time works here. You're already in a bad mood."

Clove ignored him.

Cato returned and he's with someone.

"Got yourself a new friend Cato? Care to introduce us?" asked Marvel.

"I was gathering some wood when this fella approached and ask me if I wanted help." said Cato.

"Aww so sweet." Marvel teased.

"Not in that way. You're ridiculous. He wants to be our ally."

"So? You want us to have a new Peeta Mellark? You didn't learned a lesson." said Clove bitterly.

"Don't worry. I've already talked to him and we do have our terms. Right? I forgot. What was your name again?"

"My name's Ian. From district 3." the boy responded.

"Cool. I'm Marvel. District 1. Are you sure about being allies with us? You're not afraid of these two psychos? You can run away now while you still have time." said Marvel as he points out Clove and Cato.

Clove rolls her eyes at Marvel and stormed out of the scene.

"She's mad again." said Marvel eyeing Cato.
"We're using him for our own advantage. Other tributes from other districts wants to be our ally for their temporary survival. She's just temperamental. It'll pass." Cato whispered loud enough for Marvel to hear.

They haven't done anything yet as they stay at the cornucopia, guarding the stuffs there.

"I can't believe we're wasting our time here." said Marvel yawning.

"So, Ian what does your district do?" asked Cato.

Clove chuckled as Marvel covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

"You've gotta be kidding me Cato." said Clove.


They exchange weird looks from each other as Cato realizes his mistake.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I've totally zoned out. What I mean is what they had taught you. How do they train you to become tributes?" said Cato turning red in embarrassment.

"Well, we don't have any formal training. Just basic survival skills." Ian responded.

"Your district's specialization is technology. Wiress and Beetee are well-known victors from your district .. I supposed you know about force field and technology stuffs." said Clove, now interested about knowing more about the other districts.

"I was able to meet Beetee. He's really clever. And yes, I do know about force field, unfortunately we're deprived to know more. It's prohibited, given that it's easy to use it against someone. After some incidents of electrocution in the past games. Unless you work for the Capitol and you're part of making the game. You can be granted more knowledge like Beetee." said Ian, his voice filled with awe.

"Hey guys! Look over there!" Marvel pointed at something, gaining their attention.

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