An Even Game

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Clove and Marvel reached the cornucopia and was waiting for Cato.

"What's taking him so long? Peeta isn't that tough." Marvel protested.

Clove can't even believe that Cato isn't able to defeat Peeta instantly. Such a shame. He trained for the rest of his life.

'Cato, you idiot!' Clove thought to herself.

They had waited for a while but there's still no sign of him or even a booming canon if someone dies.

"Do you think he's lost?" asked Marvel.

Clove ignored him.

"Do you think he's .. dead?" Marvel asked her again.

"Are you nuts? Have you heard a canon?" Clove raised her brow.

'You can't die that way Cato! You're such a disgrace! You're gonna help me with my plan.'

"Relax! You know I was just saying possibilities." said Marvel as he examined Clove's expression.

"Just shut up!"

"Okay. Okay." Marvel sighed in defeat.

It took several minutes but Cato was still out of nowhere.

"I think I'm going to look for him." Marvel presented himself as he stood up and gathered his weapon when Clove blocked him.

"No need for that." said Clove as she redirected Marvel's attention into the forest.

"Sorry if it took so long." Cato shouted as he was approaching them when Clove snatched the spear from Marvel's grip and attempts to throw it to Cato but failed.

"What was that for?" Cato's eyes widened.

"You're very fortunate I'm not good with spear. Did your remember what they had taught us back in training? Never waste your time. Kill your opponent as fast as you can. But what did you even do? You were not able to kill him. We haven't heard a canon. You failed. Peeta wasn't that tough. Care to explain?" said Clove who's losing her temper.

"It's a long story. But it was my intention  not to kill him. I just wounded him so badly that he's going to suffer for so long but he's going to die soon so don't worry." said Cato smugly.

"You're ridiculous man! But I would do the same if I'm going to kill my worst enemy. I would let him suffer and bleed to death. It's so satisfying to see. I like that. It sounds really vicious. You're indeed a career." Marvel snickered as he gave Cato a nudge.

Clove disapprovingly looks at Marvel. She knows what a real career sounds like.

'Drop your playing card Marvel. I know what you're up to. Stop your act. It's supposed to be mine. I own this game.'

"Still if you really want your enemy to die and give you satisfaction you don't won't do that especially when he's able to escape. Who knows someone's going to help him. What if he recovers and plans out his worst revenge on you? Shame if he defeats you permanently if you know what I mean. But you know what's really satisfying? Gaining your enemies trust and plan their deaths out behind their backs. An easy defeat right? Making them think you're in the same side but the truth is you're just lurking behind them the whole time." Clove smirked.

"Impressive. District 2 has really trained their tributes viciously. Your words are like daggers Clove." said Marvel.

"Thanks. But my point is how stupid Cato really is. You should've killed Peeta already. You've wasted your time. You've disappointed Enobaria." said Clove as she went inside the tent.

"She's indeed the girl with knives. She never misses that it hits your ego. No hard feelings here but between the two of you she'll definitely win any arguments. I surrendered already." Marvel jested.

Despite of everything Cato heard he can't seem to forget the conversation between him and Peeta back in the forest.

{ Cato's flashback in the forest }

Cato readied his sword as Peeta stood defenseless. Both not making a move. Cato studied Peeta before he stormed towards him and strike his sword that hits Peeta fatally.

"Was this all a trap? So, you and Katniss plans to kill us that's why you brought us all the way here? Well you were able to kill one of allies. I must say that was a good act Peeta."

Peeta struggled to move as Cato points his sword directly into Peeta's chest.

"Second thought, I  did consider you as an ally. Considering that you came from a low district and you needed strong one's to survive. But I didn't know you're playing this game seriously as we do. Sad to say, your game ends here."

Cato was going to kill him when Peeta showed him something.

"This is Clove's token right? A heirloom ring from her mother."

"Why do you have this? How do you know?" asked Cato as he took the ring from Peeta.

"She dropped it once and as I gave it back to her she told me about it. She dropped it once again after the tracker jacker incident. It's true that all of this was a trap. I'm just helping Katniss because I know I won't have a chance on getting out of this arena."

"Have you think about those people who are waiting for you to come back? Your family or someone special?" asked Cato.

"Of course I do. We all do. But my mother despises me. My father left us. Do you think it will change something when I come back? No. It'll be miserable. Still miserable as we are all under the Capitol. But Katniss, she have her mother and sister waiting for her to come back. That's the least I could do for our district and Katniss."

"Sounds like a martyr. But remember you were not the only ones in this game."

"Didn't you consider yourself a martyr when you volunteered? Especially when you're doing it to protect someone you love even if it cost you death."

Cato was silent upon hearing what Peeta had said.

"I do know about you and Clove. There's no way denying it. We're just alike. We've become martyrs. But you're much tougher and you can protect Clove as long as you can. While I'm helping Katniss as long as I survive. I understand if you wanted to kill me right now. Isn't the game supposed to be this way?"

Cato closed his eyes and took a deep breathe.

"I guess we're even this time. I won't kill you. But I swear, the next time we cross paths I'll make sure that I'll become the triumphant martyr." said Cato.

He immediately left without looking back at Peeta. He then realized that he's not going to see Clove again if he dies.

"It doesn't matter. She's worth it." he thought to himself.

Cato made his way to the cornucopia. Eager to see her again.

A/n updating is my stress reliever rn (╯_╰) final exams, projects & presentations *sighs* (╥_╥)

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