Real Enemies

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All their attentions were diverted on the smoke that someone has made. They all exchanged looks.

"You stay here!" Cato told Ian who obediently nodded.

"Finally!" Marvel exclaimed.

"Someone to kill." said Clove, gathering some of her knives.

The three of them hurriedly went to that area but no one was there when they arrived.

"Someone's messing around here." sighed Marvel.

Clove hushed him as she took one of her knives. She drastically maneuvered it hitting a tree.

"I know you're in there young girl." she said teasingly.

Rue, the girl tribute from district 11 immediately sprinted. Marvel and Cato ran after her.

"Don't let her get away!" Clove shouted.

It took nanosecond when Rue was caught in a trap.

"How unfortunate." said Marvel as they approached the young girl who's struggling inside the trap.

"Too clever for a young girl like you to set us up." said Cato.

"As I said, you can't underestimate someone Cato. But I do think she has an ally. Perhaps Katniss. You do know her right? Rue?" asked Clove smiling to her.

"How do you even know her?" asked Marvel.

"I may look like I don't give a damn but I'm also paying attention to anyone. It's important to know who your enemies are."

"Are you having an alliance with Katniss?" asked Cato.

Rue didn't responded.

"Well, I guess let's just wait for her or whoever her ally is."

Suddenly there was a loud explosion.

"What the hell was that?" Marvel blurted.

"It's coming from the cornucopia." said Clove.

Cato was enraged. The three of them hurriedly left.

"No, Marvel you stay here. Look out for that girl. Katniss might arrive here sooner or later."

Marvel nodded and went back, hiding at the thick bushes.

Clove and Cato arrived back at the cornucopia in no time. Ian was just there.

"What did just happen?!" asked Cato who's about to break Ian's neck in anger.

"The girl from district 5. Can't be sure, was it Foxface?" Clove interrupted.


Clove pointed the lifeless body of the girl who's partially burned because of the explosion.

"Care to explain what happen to her?" asked Clove raising her brow.

"I was suspicious about all these stuffs right here. They were ground-emplaced mine obviously, if you have noticed. They were not activated yet that's why we're still able to displace them. But I did figure out last night and while you were away earlier I did activated it with precautions. Resulting to a death here. She's quite clever though, she managed to pass the trap but something happened." said Ian, trying to recall all the details.

"What happened?"

Curiosity sparked both Cato and Clove.

"An arrow appeared out of nowhere. Causing some things to fall which triggered the explosion."

"She's indeed her ally. Both of them set us up. Quite impressive. They've made better strategies than us." said Clove bitterly.

Moments had passed but Marvel wasn't able to return back.

"You think he's still alive?" asked Ian.

"Of course dummy. Have you heard a canon?" Cato said with annoyance.

"I think you should be thankful to the guy you just called dummy. He was able to do something." Clove said with defiance.

"Oh yeah. Thanks for blowing up our stuffs. Some of our important weapons. You've done a great job!" Cato said sarcastically.

"He did! He did it without anyone's help. At least we're certain now that Katniss have an alliance with Rue, the girl from district 9 if you haven't heard what I said earlier." said Clove calmly.

"Why are you even defending him?"

"Am not! I was just stating facts FYI."

"Seems not to me."

"Think whatever you want!"

"Whatever!" said Cato angrily.

"Um, guys? Marvel's here." Ian interrupted.

Marvel waves his hand as he approaches them. He was greeted by a scowl from Clove and Cato.

"Oh. What happened here?" asked Marvel.

"The cornucopia blew up." said Ian.

"I can see that. What about these two here?"

"Misunderstanding?" said Ian with uncertainty.

"Ask her." said Cato pointing Clove.

"I've got no time discussing nonsense. What took you so long Marvel?" asked Clove.

"Ah. Well, they were indeed allies. I've got no choice but I killed Rue. Poor kid." said Marvel wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"What about Katniss?"

"Lucky girl. She's able to escape again. She
showered me with her arrows. Damn! Can't even hit me though."

Clove felt a sudden fear.  She thought Katniss was her only biggest threat but she's wrong. She's standing in front of two guys who are not only a threat but lethal enemies. Marvel and now, Ian. Two guys who doesn't seemed to look menacing at first but they had already show what they're capable of.

'Not if I kill both of you first.' she thought to herself as she looks at them.

A/n woo-hoo! That's my Clove! 🔪🔪🔪

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