Unfortunate Lover

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*Clove's POV *

I wasn't mad at Cato. I just wanted to show Marvel who's really dominant. I can say district 1's strategy or Marvel's own strategy is ingenious. But it can't hide the fact that we're more driven than them. They just wanted to be praised and eventually it'll just fade since they all think the game was just like a runway show for them to show off their precious tributes. Whereas, we from district 2 are molded with an intent to bring pride to our district. I won't let my district down. I'll prove them that I am not just a frivolous piece of this game.

It was getting late but I couldn't sleep. Marvel was already dozing off and Cato is nowhere to be found. I could kill Marvel if I wanted to but I want us to be even for now. I don't know what's on his mind or what's his intention but I can tell he badly wants to win too. He's comical, looks trustworthy and kind. He could've pull off his plan more better if he just kept his mouth shut and stopped blabbering nonsense about how weak he is. He's not. Obviously. Well, his district partner was. And now he's being serious, his laughter isn't genuine anymore. But for sure it's the real Marvel.

It was so calm and the gentle breeze is giving me comfort from the cruel and unforeseen fate I'm facing now. From 24 down to 9 tributes left. I can feel the tension arising, who knows maybe someone is silent watching from afar and is ready to attack. But I'm Clove Kentwell. A career tribute from district two. I've been preparing for this my whole life ..

What the?

I felt two arms enfold around me. No need to guess who it was.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier." said Cato.

"It's okay. I should've been the one to tell you that, I was just worried."

No! It was not okay but I managed to make something out of it. I wasn't worried. Never will.

"I'm sorry for making you worry then. I was going to kill him. I swear. But something happened."

It sparked my curiosity.

"What happened? Why didn't you kill him?" I said, facing him, he's avoiding my eyes.

"It's a long story. It's negligible. But I managed to fatally wound him. He's suffering. He's going to die soon so don't you worry." he smiled at me.

Why can't he just tell me?

"Oh, I was supposed to give you this but I forgot to."

He handed me my token, a heirloom ring from my mother. I must've been absent minded lately that I forgot to check my token. The most precious thing I have.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed and embraced him. I don't know why I did that, I guess I was so glad that he found it.

"Of course, I would do anything for you." he said and it sounded bittersweet.

His embrace tightens and he's silently .. sobbing?

What is he doing?

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not concerned or anything.

"I can't afford to lose you. But I'll do anything for you even if it leads me to death."

Sweet words Cato but you chose to love the wrong one.

"But we can figure out a way that can make us both get out of here. We can both make it. Maybe we can." I told him as I wipe away the tears from his face.

Why am I cheering him up? Enobaria told me that maybe our plan could get me and Cato out of here. No one has ever done or tried this. They were all accustomed by the lone victor rule. This is interesting. We're going to try and break the rule. But I'm going to win no matter what happens.

"It doesn't matter if I don't make it as long as you're alive and you're going home where your family is waiting for you. I'm regretting all those times that I wasted not telling you what I feel, thinking that we'll have more time together. I won't be selfish no matter how hard I wanted to have you. I wasn't the only who loves you. You have others back home waiting for you to come back."

If you could've just love someone who felt the same towards you Cato. Such a shame that girl is not me. There was a strong force that made me lean closer to him. Our lips touched and our kiss deepen.

Why am I doing this?

A/n hey! So what do you think about the update? I was not feeling well while doing this so apologies if I made some mistakes ‘︿’

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