Chapter 1

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You could see your breath even before you stepped out of the ruins. You had just fallen into the underground yesterday, but you already had an attachment to Toriel, the monster that found you when you fell into the underground, and your goat mom. You could feel tears coming to your eyes just thinking about her.

You're not sure if you can make it home, to the surface, or not. You don't want to hurt anyone, but to leave you have to kill a 'boss monster.' 'Well, I guess I'm just going to have to find somewhere to stay here.'  You thought to yourself. 

You eventually reach the doors out of the ruins. You push open the huge doors, and step outside. It is snowing. 'I wish I had my jacket when I feel in that damn hole.'  You think to yourself, shivering. You see a path in the snow and follow it. 

~Time Skip~

You have been out in the snow for about three hours, hoping to find something. You can feel yourself getting weaker as you get colder. You don't know how much longer you can stay out here before you freeze. You walk forward a few steps, when your legs give out beneath you, and you fall into the snow. "H-Help, please..I d-don't want to die out h-here..." You say, feeling tears running down your cheeks, only to soon be frozen. You feel your vision going black, but then you see two faint shadows. One tall, and one shorter. "SANS!! LOOK, IT'S A HUMAN!!!" The tall figure says. "Yeah Paps, but I think it's dying...." The shorter one says. "SANS!!! WE CAN'T LET THE HUMAN DIE!!! WE NEED TO GET THE HUMAN OUT OF THE SNOW!!" You hear the taller figure say, and it stoops down and picks you up, bridal style. "DO NOT WORRY, HUMAN!!! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL NOT LET YOU FREEZE." The tall figure says, and that is the last thing you hear, before it all goes black.

You wake up in a bed, and it is shaped like a race car. You laugh, remembering when those were 'cool.' You stand up, walking towards the door. You hear muffled argument over....A sock?? You open the door, and see that you are in a house, and it is two story. You silently look over the edge, and see two skeletons arguing. 'Wait....There are skeletons?? Where the hell am I??'  You ask yourself, backing into the room you came from. You trip over something, and fall onto the ground, with a loud BANG! 

You hear the skeleton's conversation quiet down. "SANS!! DO YOU THINK THAT WAS THE HUMAN??" You hear a voice say, probably too loudly. "Paps, shut up." You hear a deeper voice say. You hear someone walking up the stairs. You frantically look for somewhere to hide. You see a closet, and run to hide in it. You can see the door through little slots in the closet door. You see the taller skeleton walk in, the shorter right behind him. "SANS!! WHERE DO YOU THINK THE HUMAN WENT??" The taller skeleton asks, practically whisper-screaming. "Papyrus, I said shut up. I'll find them." The shorter skeleton, Sans, says. 

He looks straight at the closet door. He nudges Papyrus and points at the closet, straight at you. Papyrus looks at him and nods, walking silently over to where you are. He grabs the handle, then looks at Sans. He suddenly opens the door, and sees you. He smiles, looking pleased with himself. "SANS!!! I FOUND THEM!!!" He says, grabbing your arm, and pulling you out of the closet. "L-Let me go!!" You say. You are scared of the skelebros, you don't know them. "NO NEED TO WORRY HUMAN!! ME AND MY BROTHER, SANS, SAVED YOU FROM THE COLD!! WE BROUGHT YOU BACK HERE, TO OUR HOUSE!" Papyrus says, smiling at you. "Thank you, but I didn't need your help." You say, looking away from the tall skeleton. "COME HUMAN, YOU MUST BE HUNGRY!!! LET ME GET YOU SOME SPAGHETTI!!" Papyrus says, leading you out of the room. 

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