Chapter 5

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You ran into the house to see Sans sleeping on the couch. He hears you come in, and jumps up. "Oh, its just you....Heh, you scared me kiddo." He says, and sits back down. "Where's Paps??" He asks. "H-He's still at Undyne's." You say, sitting beside him. "Is there anything wrong?? You seem a little.....Scared..." He says, giving you a suspicious look. "Undyne....She tried to kill me." You say. "Oh, that's nothing to worry about. She has tried to kill everyone at least once." Sans says, laughing at you. You laugh a little, and look down at your hands. "Papyrus, he saved me from her..." You say, smiling. "Yeah, he doesn't like to see anyone get hurt, especially after..." He says, trailing off. You decide not to ask.

~Little time skip~

You have been waiting with Sans for about an hour, and you are getting really nervous. "Are you sure he's okay??" You ask Sans. "Don't worry, kid. Papyrus will be fine." He says, smiling at you. "Yeah but what if-" You were interrupted by Papyrus storming through the door, a huge smile on his face. "HUMAN!!! YOU ARE OKAY!!!" He says, running over to you, and pulling you into a hug. "I-I'm fine, I was just worried about you." You say, wrapping your arms around him. "THERE IS NO REASON TO WORRY ABOUT ME!!! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!" He says, a huge smile on his face. "Yeah, you arethe great Papyrus." You say, laughing at him.

"So, what happened with you and Undyne??" You ask Papyrus. He freezes. "W-WE JUST TALKED ABOUT.......STUFF. LIKE SPAGHETTI!!!" He says, laughing awkwardly. You see that he is looking at Sans, making a kind-of panicked face. "It's nothing important, kid. Don't worry about it." Sans says. "O-Okay...." You say, wondering what they were talking about. "WELL, HUMAN, I AM GOING TO MAKE SPAGHETTI. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP??" Papyrus asks you. "Yeah, of course." You say, following him into the kitchen.

Papyrus gets all the ingredients, puts them in a pot, and turns up the heat all the way. When he turns around, you turn the heat down. He turns back around, and sees that you turned the heat down. "HUMAN, WHY DID YOU DO THAT??" He asks, turning it back up. "You had it up too high. You could burn the house down!!" You say, laughing at him. "NO I COULD NOT!! THIS IS THE WAY UNDYNE TAUGHT ME TO MAKE SPAGHETTI." He says, pouting a little. "I guess that's why it's so bad." You whisper under your breath.

"OKAY, THE SPAGHETTI SHOULD BE READY IN NO TIME!!" Papyrus says, after you had fixed the spaghetti. "I'll help you clean up." You say, looking around at all the stray pieces of food everywhere. You start walking over to the counter with most of the food, when you slip on a stray spaghetti noodle. "SHIT!" You yell as you fall, hitting your arm very hard on the table. "HUMAN!! ARE YOU OKAY??" Papyrus asks, running over to you and kneeling beside you. "Yeah, Paps, I'm fine." You say, pulling your arm closer to you. "BUT YOU'RE BLEEDING..." He says, gently grabbing your arm, and pulling it closer to him. "I-I guess I am..." You say, feeling your cheeks heat up. "H-HUMAN, YOUR FACE IS REALLY RED AGAIN..." He says, a light orange tint on his cheeks. 

"I-It's just because....This only happens when, umm...Well, I-I'm just really....Embarrassed.." You say, looking away from him. "I-IT'S OKAY, HUMAN....I'LL HELP YOU...LET ME GO GET A BANDAGE." He says, then rushes out of the kitchen and up the stairs. You carefully examine your arm, careful not to touch where you had hit it. "Shit...I didn't think a table could hurt me this bad." You whisper to yourself, watching blood flow steadily out of the cut in your arm.

Papyrus comes back down the stairs, holding a bandage in his hand. "HERE, I'LL PUT IT ON." He says, kneeling beside you once again, and he slowly wraps the bandage around your arm, looking at you constantly as if to make sure that he does not hurt you. "T-Thank you, Papyrus..." You say, smiling at him. "IT IS NO PROBLEM, HUMAN!! IT'S JUST WHAT...FRIENDS DO, RIGHT??" He asks. "Yeah, they do." You say. Papyrus stands up, and offers you his hand. You take it, and he pulls you up. He keeps a hold on your hand, and looks around as if to make sure nobody is watching. "HUMAN, I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING..." He whispers. "What is it, Paps??" You ask. He leans down, as if to whisper something in your ear, then he kisses(?) you lightly on the cheek. You freeze, your heart racing. "I THINK I NOW KNOW WHY YOUR FACE WAS REALLY RED..." He says.

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