Chapter 7

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"Papyrus, I think we've been out for too long...Sans might be wondering where we are." You say. You and Papyrus had been walking around Hotland for a while, probably too long. "HE PROBABLY IS....BUT I WANT TO SPEND AS MUCH TIME WITH YOU AS I CAN!!!" He says, pulling you into a tight  embrace. "I do too, but I don't want Sans killing me." You say, laughing lightly at Papyrus. "OKAY, I GUESS WE CAN GET GOING...BUT CAN WE GO TO SEE THE 'STARS??'" Papyrus asks, letting go of you. "Yeah, of course. Whatever you want." You say, and Papyrus grabs your hand and pulls you up. "WOWIE, I'M SO EXCITED!!" Papyrus says, and smiles at you.

~So many time skips, I'm so sorry~

"HUM- I MEAN (Y/N), I JUST WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU FOR COMIMG HERE WITH ME... I HAVE NEVER LIKED ANYONE AS I LIKE YOU, IT MEANS A LOT THAT YOU LIKE ME BACK." Papyrus says as you arrive in the 'wishing room.' "Oh Paps, you're so welcome...I really like you too." You say, and you both lay on the ground, looking up at the 'stars.' "(Y/N), ONE OF MY ONLY WISHES IS WHEN WE GET TO THE SURFACE, TO SEE THE REAL STARS..." Papyrus says. "Yeah, the real stars are so beautiful." You say, closing your eyes and picturing the real stars. "....THEY ARE NOT AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE." Papyrus says. You open your eyes and look at him. "Y-You can't actually mean that Paps....I'm not beautiful." "DON'T SAY THAT, YOU ARE TOO BEAUTIFUL!!!" Papyrus says, sitting up. "But I'm really not-" "YES YOU ARE!!! WHAT CAN I DO TO PROVE IT TO YOU?? I WILL CUDDLE WITH YOU IF IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER!!!" Papyrus says. 'I do want to cuddle with him, but I can't let him know I want to cuddle with him...Dammit, I'm such a weirdo.'  You think to yourself, looking away from Papyrus.

You hear the light shuffling of Papyrus getting off the ground. You look to your side, and feel him wrap his arms around you. You sigh, laying your head on his chest. "What happened to us going back home??" You ask, looking up at him. "Hush, I'm elevating your self-esteem." Papyrus says, his normally loud voice quiet and gentle. "Thank you, Papyrus." You say. "You're welcome, (Y/n)." He says. You feel yourself start to get tired. 'Come on (Y/n), suck it up. You can't waste this time with him.'  You think to yourself, yawning. 'Well, maybe he won't notice...'  You say, closing your eyes. 

(This kinda going to be a 3rd person POV idk)

'Humans are very peculiar...How could (Y/n) fall asleep?? It's not even that early.'  Papyrus thinks to himself, looking down at you. 'Wow, they are a very beautiful human...Not that I have seen other humans before...'  He thinks, wrapping his arms around you, and picking you up. 'Oh well, I guess I can carry them home.'  He starts walking to his house in Snowdin.

Papyrus takes you to the riverperson, gets on the boat, tells the person to go to Snowdin. You arrive there shortly, and Papyrus thanks the riverperson and steps off the boat. Everyone that is normally around Snowdin is gone, most likely in their homes. 'Well, I guess it is kind-of late...'  He thinks to himself, walking up to the door to his house. He sees Sans asleep on the couch. 'Lazybones...Why couldn't he go to his room??....Well, he was probably waiting for us to get back.'  He thinks to himself as he walks up the stairs. He gently pushes open the door to his room with his foot, and lays you on his bed, covering you up with blankets.

He walks out of his room, and goes downstairs to the couch where Sans is. He looks at Sans for a second, then reaches down to pick him up. "Oh Sans, you lazybones...Thank you for waiting for me." He whispers as he carries Sans into his room, and sits him on his bed. He pulls the covers over him, then backs out of his room, closing the door behind him.

He walks into his room, where you are sleeping. He goes to his closet, pulls out the battle body, and walks out of the room. He goes to the bathroom (Idk just imaging there's a bathroom) and changes back into his normal clothes. He walks out of the bathroom and back into his room. He goes over to the closet, and hangs up the tuxedo, then comes and lays on the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you. 'Wow, the human is so small curled up against me...What if they get cold??'  He thinks to himself, pulling you closer to him to keep you warm. "Do not worry, human. I, the great Papyrus, will cuddle with you to keep you warm!!" Papyrus whispers, not wanting to wake you up. 'I must stay awake to keep (Y/n) warm!!! I cannot let them freeze!!'  He thinks to himself. 'Well...Maybe they'll be fine with me just cuddling with them...I do have to get up for work tomorrow, I maybe will find another human!!! I can't give up!!! Especially if I'm not going to let (Y/n) give their soul...'  Papyrus yawns, laying his head on a pillow. "Oh well...Goodnight (Y/n), I....I love you..." He whispers, kissing you on the forehead, then falling asleep.

You wake up in the morning to Papyrus' arms around you, holding you to his chest. He is still fast asleep. 'Aww, he's so cute when he's sleeping.'  You think to yourself, looking up at him. 'Wait, what happened last night?? Why am I her- OH MY GOD THAT REALLY HAPPENED!!!'  You think, suddenly remembering what happened last night. You try to slowly get out of the bed without waking up Papyrus, but as soon as you move, he wakes up. "AH, HELLO HUM- I MEAN (Y/N), YOU ARE AWAKE!!!" He says, pulling you into a hug. "Yeah, I"m awake. Paps, did you really carry me home last night??" You ask. "WELL, OF COURSE!! I COULDN'T LEAVE YOU OUT THERE!!! I LIKE YOU TOO MUCH!!" He says. You feel yourself blushing. "I-I like you a lot too, Papy." You say, smiling up at him. "OF COURE!!! WHO WOULD NOT LIKE ME?? I AM, AFTER ALL, THE BEST!!!" He says, smiling back at you.

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