Chapter 6

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You stare at Papyrus, your mouth hanging wide open. He smiles at you, letting go of your arm and slowly walking away. 'Okay, that really did happen, right?? Oh my God I can't believe this...Does he like me back?? Okay, I can't overreact, he was probably just doing that because I hurt myself...'  You think to yourself, still standing in the kitchen. You finally come to your senses when you hear faint whispers from the living room, where Sans and Papyrus are.

You walk into the living room, and see Sans and Papyrus sitting on the couch, Papyrus with his face practically in Sans' nonexistent ears. You couldn't hear what he was saying, but you could tell by his expression that he was happy. He looks up suddenly, sees you, and immediately stops whispering and freezes, a light shade of orange on his face. "H-HEY HUMAN, DO YOU....WANT TO WATCH SOME T.V. OR SOMETHING??" Papyrus asks you, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Uh, s-sure..." You say, going to sit beside him on the couch.

"Welp, I'm going to Grillby's. You two have fun." Sans says, putting emphasis on the last word. He gets up, and walks over to the door. "No, Sans wai-" You start to say, when he disappears. "Oh....Okay then..." You say, sitting back on the couch. "D-DO YOU NOT WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH ME??" Papyrus asks, a sad expression on his face. "No!! I was just going to ask his what he meant by 'fun'" You say, making air quotes on the word 'fun'. "OH...HE WAS JUST BEING OVERLY DRAMATIC." Papyrus says. "Really?? And I was thinking you were the dramatic one." You say, being sarcastic. "YES, I AM THE DRAMATIC ONE. CAN YOU NOT TELL??" Papyrus asks, not getting your sarcasm.

"Anyways, what do you want to watch??" You ask Papyrus, grabbing for the remote control. "I THINK YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT TO WATCH." He says, a smug grin on his face. "Hmm, let me think....Cooking With a Killer Robot??" You ask, laughing at him. "YES!!! YOU GUESSED IT!!!" Papyrus says, a huge smile on his face. "Come on Paps, even though I don't know you, we're still the best of friends." You say, lightly punching him on his arm. He whispers something under his breath, being quiet for once. "What was that??" You ask, not wanting to pry too much. "NOTHING IMPORTANT!!" Papyrus says, brushing it off.

~Tiny time skip~

You and Papyrus had been watching Mettaton's T.V. show for a while, maybe a hour. You so badly wanted to wrap your arms around him and stay like that forever, but you decided against it. 'I can't do that if I'm not sure if he likes me back or not...He's so cute though...'  You say to yourself, watching Papyrus. The way he got so excited over every little thing, and how he was always so happy, you just loved it. 'Come on (Y/n), you're better than that. I have only been here for a few days, and I'm already....In love...With a skeleton....Dammit...'  You think to yourself, still staring at Papyrus. He looks over at you, and you look away, embarrassed. You think that you should probably leave, when you feel a boney hand slip in yours. You look over to see Papyrus, holding your hand, and smiling at you.

"P-Papyrus, what are y-you doing??" You ask, feeling your heart speed up. "THIS IS JUST WHAT UNDYNE TOLD ME PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY LIKE SOMEONE..." He says, looking away at the floor. "Papyrus... You like me back??" You ask. "WELL, OF COURSE!! AFTER UNDYNE TRIED TO KILL YOU, I TOLD HER NOT TO, BECAUSE I LIKE YOU. SHE WAS SHOCKED AT FIRST, BUT SHE UNDERSTANDS NOW...SHE THEN TOLD ME WHAT PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY LIKE EACH OTHER, LIKE SHE DOES WITH DR. ALPHYS." He says, looking down at your hand in his. "Oh, Papyrus." You say, taking your hand out of his and wrapping your arms around him. 

"I-I DID NOT KNOW THAT YOU FELT THE SAME WAY..." Papyrus says, wrapping his arms around you too. "Papyrus, I have liked you since I first met you...Heh, I have wanted to do this for a long time." You say, Papyrus's faint warmth making you feel all giddy inside. "HUMAN, I REALLY LIKE YOU....LIKE, I REALLY LIKE YOU. YOU LOVE MY SPAGHETTI, YOU AGREE THAT SANS' PUNS ARE TERRIBLE, YOU...YOU'RE ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD-LOOKING..." He says, looking away from you, obviously embarrassed. "Come on Paps, I'm not good-looking...That's you. You can be the cute one, and I'll be the trash can." You say, moving your arms back to your side.

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