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After you guys finished eating, you went back outside. "SO...HUMAN, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO??" Papyrus asks. "Well, I don't know about you two, but I'm going home to take a nap. See ya later." Sans says, then disappears. "Woah, where did he go??" You ask, looking around. Papyrus sighs and says "IT'S ONE OF HIS 'SHORTCUTS'...SO, WOULD YOU LIKE FOR ME, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, TO TAKE YOU ON A TOUR OF THE UNDERGROUND??" Papyrus asks. "Sure." You say, smiling at him. He motions for you to follow him, and he takes you to the river, and you see a person wearing a cloak on a boat. "Umm, Papyrus...Are you sure this is safe??" You ask, a little wary of them. "NO NEED TO WORRY HUMAN!! THE RIVER PERSON IS HARMLESS!! AND IF THEY DID TRY TO HARM YOU, I WOULD PROTECT YOU!!!" Papyrus says proudly, and leads you over to the boat. He steps on, and tells the river person to take you to Waterfall.

"Wait...So there's a place actually named Waterfall??" You ask Papyrus. "WHY, YES. DO YOU KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED WATERFALL??" He asks. "Let me guess...Is it because it has waterfalls??" You say, laughing a little. "WOWIE!! HOW DID YOU GUESS??" He asks, looking amazed. "Just a lucky gues-" You start to say, when the boat rocks to the side, almost throwing you off. Papyrus reaches out, and just barely catches you. He pulls you to his chest. "YOU ARE LUCKY, HUMAN!! FOR I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAVE CAUGHT YOU!!" He says. You could swear you saw a faint bit of orange cheeks.

"Tra la la...Here you are." The river person says, as you arrive at Waterfall. You step off the little boat, and look around. You have to admit, it's pretty beautiful. There are glowing blue flowers and tiny waterfalls everywhere. "Woah...Papyrus, this is beautiful..." You say, awestruck. "I KNOW HUMAN!! NOW, FOLLOW ME. I WANT TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!!" Papyrus says, taking your hand. You pull your hand away, not completely trusting the tall skeleton.

He takes you to a spot where there's open 'sky.' You see a telescope close to you. "HUMAN!!! LOOK THROUGH THE TELESCOPE!!!" Papyrus says, giving you a shy smile. "Okay..." You say, going to look through the telescope. You gasp in shock. You see stars, but they're not real stars. They shine with a faint blue light. "P-Papyrus..." You try to say. "NO NEED TO SAY IT, HUMAN...I COME HERE ALL THE TIME TO SEE THE STARS..." He says, looking up at them.

"T-Thank you for bringing me here, Papyrus..." You say, looking at him. 'You know, he is kind-of cute...'  You think to yourself. Papyrus looks over at you. "(Y-Y/N)...I'M SORRY FOR WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DO...I THINK THAT YOU ARE A REALLY GOOD HUMAN, YOU SEEM REALLY NICE, AND I LIKE YOU, BUT I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR ALL MONSTERS..." He says. "Papyrus...What are you doing...." You ask, slowly backing up. "I-I'M SORRY..." He says, and comes up to you, a piece of black fabric in his hands, almost like a blindfold. You want to move, to run away, but something in the innocent-looking skeleton's eyes makes you stay. "J-Just....Please don't hurt me..." You say as Papyrus puts the blindfold over your eyes. "NO WORRIES, HUMAN!!! I SHALL TAKE YOU TO UNDYNE!!! SHE CAN USE YOUR SOUL TO FREE US MONSTERS FROM THE UNDERGROUND!!! AND THEN, I CAN SEE THE REAL STARS..."

The Stars (Papyrus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now