Chapter 2

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Papyrus sits a plate of spaghetti in front of you. 'Should I even try this??'  You ask yourself. 'Well...It looks okay...And I'm hungry...'  You grab the fork, and take a bite of the spaghetti. You almost throw up. "HUMAN!! DO YOU LIKE MY SPAGHETTI??" He asks. You just look at him and nod. Sans comes over to you. "It's okay, I know it's disgusting." He says. "Just eat it to make him happy." He walks away. You take another bite of spaghetti. Papyrus comes and sits down beside you. "SO, HUMAN...WHAT IS YOUR NAME??" He asks, grinning at you. 'What is it with him and always smiling?? Whatever...It's kinda cute...'  You think to yourself. "My name is (Y/n)." You say. "(Y/N)...I LIKE THAT NAME!!!" He says. You blush a little.

"So, how long have you been down here, kid??" Sans asks you. "Umm...Only two days." You say. "REALLY?? WE NEED TO TAKE YOU TO MEET SOME PEOPLE!!! LIKE UNDYNE!!! SHE'S AWESOME!!" Papyrus says. "Who's Undyne??" You ask. "SHE'S ONLY THE LEADER OF THE ROYAL GUARD!! I AM GOING TO BE A PART OF THE ROYAL GUARD SOME DAY." Papyrus says. "Ohh...Okay." You say, smiling at him. You could swear you saw him blush, even though he was a skeleton.

~Time Skip~

"WAIT, SO THERE ARE ACTUAL STARS?? IN THE SKY?? THEY AREN'T JUST ROCKS??" Papyrus asks you. "No, they're made out of gas. They're far away too see....Sometimes, even if they have gone out, you can still see them." You say, laughing at him. "WOWIE.....REALLY?? THEY SOUND SO BEAUTIFUL..." He says. Papyrus has asked you many questions about the surface. "Okay, anything else you want to know??" You ask. "NO...I DON'T THINK SO..." He says, looking a little confused. "OH, I KNOW!! ARE YOU HUNGRY?? WE CAN GO TO GRILLBY'S IF YOU WANT..." He asks you. "Grillby's?? If you're going, I'm going." Sans says, coming in out of nowhere. "OKAY. LET'S GO!!" Papyrus says, walking out the door.

"Umm....B-Before we go, I don't really have a jacket or a-anything to keep warm, as you already know..." You say, embarrassed. "THAT IS NO PROBLEM, HUMAN!!! I HAVE TONS OF SWEATERS!!!" Papyrus says, rushing up the stairs, taking them three at a time. He goes into the room that you stayed in. 'I guess that's his room. Of course it would be Papyrus that has the race car bed.'  You think to yourself, laughing. Papyrus comes out of him room carrying a (f/c) sweater. He comes down the stairs and hands it to you. "Papyrus, how did you know (f/c) was my favorite color??" You ask, sliding the sweater on over your normal shirt. Papyrus looks at you confused. "I-I DID NOT KNOW THAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR!!!" He says. "Lucky guess, I would say." You say, smirking at him. "Okay, let's just get to Grillby's. I'm hungry." Sans says. Papyrus grabs you by the hand and leads you out the door.

You see that you are in a little town. There is a library, but on the sign it says 'Librarby.' 'That's a little weird...'  You think to yourself. "So, where exactly are we?? What is this place called?" You ask Sans and Papyrus. "This, kiddo, is Snowdin, the coldest part of hell." Sans says, chuckling lightly at his own joke. "SANS...THAT WAS NOT VERY FUNNY..." Papyrus says. You punch him lightly on the arm. "Aw, come on Papyrus...It's a little funny." You say. "YES, IT IS A LITTLE FUNNY, BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE HEARD SANS TELL SOMEONE THAT." He says. "Yeah, that's true..." You say. You see a restaurant up ahead, with a glowing sign, and you think it says 'Grillby's' 'Wait....Is this a bar?? What is Sans doing taking Papyrus to a bar??'  You ask yourself. 'Oh well...I guess it's none of my business.'

You walk into Grillby's and it is surprisingly warm. You look all around the bar, and see a lot of different types of monsters. There are mostly dogs. There are two dogs that look like a couple, and a different dog that jumps every time someone or something moves. They are all glancing at you, like they don't want you to be here. "HUMAN, STAY BY US...OTHER MONSTERS DON'T LIKE HUMANS AS MUCH AS WE DO." Papyrus whisper-screams in your ear. You nod your head at him, following him to a booth. You sit by Papyrus, and Sans sits across from you.

 A man made out of fire comes to where you are sitting. "What can I get you??" He asks. He is wearing a bowtie and glasses. Sans orders some ketchup to drink, and Papyrus gets some milk. "IT IS THE ONLY THING HERE WITH NO GREASE IN IT." He says when you look at him questioningly when he ordered it. "Okay...I-I guess I'll have...(Burger or fries Idk what you want XP)" The fire-man walks away, getting your orders. "That's Grillby. He's pretty cool, and he doesn't care that you're a human." Sans says, seeing that you were a little uptight.

Grillby brings out your orders, then goes behind the bar to deal with a dog that had gotten into a fight. "Sans, why are you drinking ketchup??" You ask, grossed out. "I don't know kid. Why are you not drinking ketchup??" He asks. "Because it looks absolutely disgusting." You say. "THANK YOU, HUMAN!! SOMEONE FINALLY AGREES WITH ME!!!" Papyrus says, smiling at you. "Hey, ketchup doesn't have grease in it." Sans says, taking another swig of it. "YES, BUT IT LOOKS GROSS AND HAS A GROSS TEXTURE." Papyrus says, making a disgusted face at Sans. "Suit yourself. More for me." He says, taking another drink.

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