Chapter 12

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Papyrus was sitting in his room alone, like every day for the past two years. He still had his race car bed, but he no longer thought it looked cool. Sans came in, like he did every day. "Hey Paps...How's today going??" He asks, gently sitting beside Papyrus on the bed and placing his hand on Papyrus's back. "Every day is getting a little better." He says, forcing a smile at Sans. "Okay bro. If you ever wanna talk about it, you know I'm always here for you, okay??" He says. Papyrus nods his head, and Sans walks out the door and closes it behind him. Since they had come to the surface, Papyrus had not had a job, so Sans had to work all the time to take care of them. Papyrus had refused to go outside at night. He refused to look at the things that took away the love of his life, no matter how much he had wanted to look at them before. Toriel tells him all the time that he needs to face his sadness, but he doesn't want to. It already hurts enough, and he doesn't want it to hurt anymore. Not a single day goes by that he doesn't think of  (Y/n). He knows he  shouldn't be as sad as he is because they were only dating for a few weeks, but he just can't get over it. He hasn't looked over the note (Y/n) gave him since he read it the first time.

"Papyrus, you have to get up some time. Just think, (Y/n) wanted to you see the stars like you have always wanted. You cannot let them die in vain." Asgore had said. Papyrus looked up at him. He had been sitting in the yellow flowers for hours, just thinking. He hadn't felt sad, he hadn't really felt anything at all. He looks away from Asgore to the flower in his hand. He gently put the flower in his pocket and stood up. He smiled at Asgore. "YES!! YOU ARE RIGHT, KING ASGORE!!" Papyrus says, smiling at him, but the emptiness in his chest still hadn't left.

Papyrus checks his pocket again, making sure the flower is still there. Even though it had been two years, the flower had not wilted. He had thought of planting it, but it made him feel better to have it on him. He puts it back in his pocket and stands up. He stretches his legs and walks out into the living room. It looks similar to the one in the Underground, but it will never feel the same. Papyrus liked that the weather always stayed the same in the Underground, and here the weather changed all the time and was never certain. Papyrus liked the cold, and the weather here was warm half the year and cold the other half. Papyrus walks into the kitchen, not without bumping his head on the doorway. He hated that the houses here were small and built for humans, while he was at least a good foot taller than any human he had met. He rubs the spot where he hit his skull against the door frame, and walks to the refrigerator. He leans down and opens the door, looking to see what's inside. He grabs a pint-sized thing of milk and chugs the whole thing. Milk does make for healthy bones!! He throws the carton in the trash can and walks back into the living room.

Papyrus sits on the blue couch and turns on the TV. He scrolls through all the channels to see if there's anything he wants to watch. He sees someone cooking spaghetti and smiles. He thinks of the times him and (Y/n) cooked spaghetti and how happy he was. It's bittersweet. The pain of missing them has never gotten any better to handle. He feels like he could turn his head and see their beautiful smile....

Papyrus snaps out of his daydream and switches the TV off. He gets up and decides to go outside. He doesn't care that he still has on his pajamas, he just wants to stop feeling for a moment. He runs outside, and stops in his tracks. He doesn't realize it's night outside, and he stops. He's frozen in place. He knows he shouldn't look up, but he can't help himself. He looks up at the night sky, and can't help the tears that come to his eyes. It's so beautiful. All the planets and stars, just like (Y/n) had described them. He stares up at the sky, some of the lights flashing and some not.  He feels a pain in his chest and bends over, clutching his chest. He feels like he can't breathe. He grasps for his phone in his pocket and calls Sans. Sans picks up on the first ring. "Hey Paps, what's up?" He asks. "S-Sans...." Papyrus whispers, barely able to speak. "Papyrus, what's wrong?? Do I need to come home?" "No...I'm okay...I went outside." Papyrus says. "Oh. That's great! That's a big step. I'm proud of you." Sans says, excited but slightly worried. "It's beautiful, Sans...It's so beautiful..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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