Chapter 11

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(Listen to this song while reading if you don't listen it probably won't make sense. The italicized words are lyrics of the song that I'm putting in here. If you know this song, you are my new best friend. I'm going to try to time the song with the story, but I'm a fast reader, so it might not be exact. Sorry for that. I underlined and bolded some song lyrics for emphasis because it's a note and I just feel like I would do that. Just imagine the note as like an actual note, on a piece of paper. Oml I'm sorry I don't really know where I'm going with this.)

Dear Papyrus,

I know it's pretty shitty of me to tell you all of this in a letter, and I'm sorry for that. You're probably wondering what exactly what I did, but before I tell you, I want you to know that I did this for you. You didn't want me to do this, I know that for a fact, but I still did anyways. I know how you always wanted to see the stars, Papy, and I want to give that to you. It only seems like a little thing to want to see the stars compared to how much we want other things, like love, but this was a big thing for you, and the stars are some of the most beautiful things in the whole universe. I love you Papyrus, with my whole heart. I didn't do this because I wanted to die, I wanted to do something for you, especially after all that you did for me.

Yes, I did give my soul to King Asgore. And yes, it did kill me. I ask that you do not blame Asgore for this, for this was my decision and mine alone. I know how you're going to feel, Papyrus. 

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry, you don't know how lovely you are.   First you're going to feel sad and lonely, but remember that there are people that love you.   I had to find you, tell you I need you, tell you I set you apart.   Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Grillby, almost everyone in the underground.  Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions, oh let's go back to the start.  Next you're going to be angry. Not at me at first, but you're going to be angry at everything.   Run in circles, coming up tails, heads on the science apart.   Please don't take your anger out on anyone, because they didn't do anything.  Nobody said it was easy, it's such a shame for us to part.   It's me you should be mad at, not anyone else. Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard.  I'm truly sorry for you to have to go through this pain, Papy. Or take me back to the start...

Papyrus, I cannot tell you how much I really loved you, even though our relationship lasted only weeks. I loved being with you, being around your happiness. You were always so happy, and everyone that was around you could just feel your happiness. Papy, I don't want you to lose that happiness. You don't need me to make you happy. Only you can make yourself happy. I know this all sounds cliche and stuff, but it's really true. 

Papy, I want you to find someone else to love like you loved me. I mean, I don't really want you to, like if I was there I would want you to date me, but I want you to find another person. Maybe Mettaton?? I don't really know about that, but it could happen. Okay, pretend like I never wrote that.

I don't even really know where I'm going with this whole note thing. I guess the thing I mostly wanted to tell you is that don't be sad, don't be angry, and love everyone. I was just guessing at numbers and figures, pulling the puzzles apart. And I love you. Questions of science, science and progress, that don't speak as loud as my heart.  Goodbye Papy, forever.  Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me, oh and I rush to the start.   Running in circles, chasing our tails, coming back as we are. Nobody said it was easy, oh it's such a shame for us to part, Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be so hard.  

I'm going back to the start,


Papyrus holds the paper in his hands. He feels Asgore looking at him, but he doesn't care. He doesn't care about anything anymore. He falls to the ground on his knees, still holding the now tear-soaked paper. He hears Asgore come up behind him, and place a hand on his shoulder. Papyrus brushes it off and sits on the ground. Asgore slowly backs away and walks out of the room. Papyrus feels like he can't breathe. He falls over on the yellow flowers that cover the floor in the room. He feels warm tears run down his face. (I know he's a skeleton and can't cry but just accept it. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SAD, PEOPLE)  "....why..." He says, letting the paper fall out of his hands. 

Papyrus hears a light shuffling movement ahead of him. He looks up. He sees (Y/n) in front of him, walking towards him. He jumps to his feet and runs towards them. "(Y/N)!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE-" He starts to say, but (Y/n) puts a finger over his mouth and takes his hand. Papyrus follows (Y/n) into the middle of the throne room. (Y/n) puts their other hand on Papyrus's shoulder, and Papyrus puts his hand on (Y/n)'s hip. (Y/n)'s hand is strangely colder than it normally is, as if there is nothing there at all. They start slow dancing throughout the room, in the middle of all the flowers. 

"I thought you were gone forever." Papyrus says into (Y/n)'s ear. They say nothing. (Y/n) stops dancing and suddenly sits on the ground, pulling Papyrus down with them. "(Y/n), I know I didn't say it enough, but I love you...I would go my whole life without seeing the stars just to be around you..." He trails off for a few minutes. "Do you remember when we first got together?? I remember that day perfectly well...And our first date, how beautiful you were. You were wearing that same exact outfit, if I recall correctly....(Y/n), why are you not saying anything??" (Y/n) says nothing.

"(Y/n), come on, stop messing with me, I thought you were dead...." Papyrus laughs, looking at (Y/n). Their face remains unchanged. "(Y/n)??......Oh, I see what it is now...Hahaha...How could I be so stupid. Well, can you just stay with me for a little longer?? I don't want to be here alone." Papyrus says, laying back on the flowers. "You know, there's a lot of things I never told you. Like, I never told you about my dad. (This might not be true it's just kinda sad and I think it could've happened so sorry if you don't think this is true) You remember Dr. Gaster, who fell in the core?? Yeah, he was my dad. It's hard for me to go by the Core or even think about it, but I came here for you. I'd walk right through the heart of the core for you. Just wanted you to know that.

Papyrus looked over to where (Y/n) was laying beside him. He sighs. "Oh...I guess it's time for you to go. Well, goodbye my love, my only. Goodbye forever." Papyrus says, standing up. (Y/n) smiles at him, then slowly disappears. (like Napstablook at the start) All that is left where they were laying is a single datura. Papyrus leans down, picks it from the stem, and walks out of the throne room.

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