Chapter 10

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(This is kinda going to be a 3rd person POV about Papyrus, I don't really know how to explain it, so here ya go)

Papyrus woke up that morning cold, with nobody beside him, as there was someone there when he went to sleep. He pulls himself up and out of the bed, looking around. "HUMAN!!! ARE YOU IN HERE??" He asks, opening the door to his room, and stepping out. He walks down the stairs, and sees Sans sitting on the couch. "GOOD MORNING, SANS!!! HAVE YOU SEEN (Y/N) TODAY??" He asks, sitting beside him on the couch. 'I guess today can be a lazy day...Just this once.'  He thinks to himself. "Nah, and I've been awake a long time. (Y/n) might've gone to get a job or something." Sans says, not once looking away from the T.V. "WELL, I'M GOING TO GO FIND THEM!!! I DO NOT KNOW WHEN I WILL BE BACK, BUT THERE IS SOME SPAGHETTI IN THE FRIDGE IF YOU GET HUNGRY. DON'T BE TOO LAZY!!!" Papyrus says, smiling at Sans. "Sure thing Paps. I'll probably still be here when you get back." Sans says. "OKAY!!! SEE YOU LATER, BROTHER!!!" Papyrus says, and walks out the door.

Papyrus walks around Snowdin for a few minutes. He walks into Grillby's. "HELLO GRILLBY!!! HAVE YOU SEEN (Y/N) TODAY??" He asks. Grillby shakes his head no. 'Where can (Y/n) be??'  He thinks to himself, thanking Grillby and walking back outside. 'I shall not worry!!! I will find (Y/n) soon enough!!!'  He thinks, pulling his scarf tighter around his neck, and walking out of Snowdin.

Papyrus steps on the riverperson's boat. "HELLO!! HAVE YOU SEEN (Y/N) ANYWHERE?? THEY WERE WITH ME EARLIER THIS WEEK...." He asks them. They shake their head no. Papyrus sighs. "THEN CAN YOU TAKE ME TO HOTLAND??" He asks. The riverperson turns around, and they take off on the boat.

"Tra la la...Come again some time." The riverperson says as Papyrus gets off the boat in Hotland. "THANK YOU!!" He says, and waves at them. Papyrus walks away, and goes to Alphys' lab, and knocks on the door. "C-Coming!!" Alphys says, walking over to the door and opening it. "H-Hey, Papyrus!! W-What do you n-need?" She asks as she sees Papyrus. "HELLO ALPHYS!!! I WAS COMING TO SEE IF YOU HAVE SEEN (Y/N) TODAY?? I HAVE NOT SEEN THEM ANYWHERE...." Papyrus says, feeling discouraged. "Y-Yeah, actually!! I saw (Y/n) walking through here earlier. I-It looked like they were going to M-Mettaton's hotel.." She says. "REALLY?? THANK YOU, ALPHYS!!!" Papyrus says, rushing out the door. "N-No problem, Papyrus!!! Come again s-some time!!!" She says, closing the door behind him.

'This is wonderful news!!! I shall find (Y/n) in no time, and we can go home and cuddle!!!'  Papyrus thinks to himself as he walks into the MTT Hotel. He looks around. 'Wowie, this place always looks so nice!!!'  He thinks as he walks over to the burger place. "HELLO!! I WAS WONDERING IF YOU HAVE SEEN (Y/N)- I MEAN, A HUMAN!!! I AM ON A SPECIAL MISSION LOOKING FOR THEM!!!" Papyrus says to the worker there. "Yeah, I saw a human walk in here. They walked straight into the core." He says, blowing smoke from a cigarette. "OKAY, THANK YOU!!!" Papyrus says, and starts walking to the core, when he stops. 'Wait...This is the core. I don't know if I can go in here after.....No, I can't think like that. I have to do this for (Y/n). I am, after all, The Great Papyrus!!! Nothing should be able to hold me back!!!'  Papyrus thinks to himself, and slowly walks into the core.

He walks around for a while, when he finally finds an elevator, and steps in. The elevator starts moving upward. "WOWIE, THIS IS THE FIRST* TIME I HAVE BEEN ON AN ELEVATOR IN A LONG TIME!!!!.....THIS ONE SEEMS TO BE TAKING LONGER THAN I REMEMBER...." Papyrus says to himself out loud. The elevator eventually comes to a stop, and the doors open. "...I have been here before....This...This place brings back memories..." Papyrus says, almost whispering to himself. He slowly walks down the hallway. "HELLO?? IS ANYONE HERE?? (Y/N), ARE YOU HERE??" Papyrus says, wincing at how loud his voice is. 'This place seems haunted, like something terrible has happened....Or just happened....'  He thinks to himself as he explores the place that he has found. 

Papyrus walks around there for hours, exploring everything there was. He had found a house, and everything was gray. He looked through all the books and papers- everything. 'I am a complete failure...I can't even find (Y/n).'  He thinks to himself, sitting down at the end of a hallway. "I don't know what to do..." He says, standing up. "But I can't sit here and wallow in my own problems. (Y/n) is more important to me than that. I cannot give up!!" He says, and walks down the next hallway. 

"WOWIE!!! IT SEEMS MY DETERMINATION HAS PROVEN ME RIGHT!!!" Papyrus says as he runs to a door. "HELLO?? IS ANYONE THERE??" He asks, slowly walking into the room. He sees Asgore standing in there, watering flowers as usual. "OH, HELLO KING ASGORE!!!" He says, smiling at him. "Hello Papyrus. I....I have something to give you." Asgore says, walking over to the throne. "WOWIE, A PRESENT?? IT'S NOT EVEN CHRISTMAS!!!" Papyrus says, following him. "I wouldn't call it a present, Papyrus. I don't exactly know what it is." Asgore says, handing Papyrus a letter. "...It's from (Y/n)??" Papyrus says, a feeling of dread spreading over him. "Yes, it explains everything....Papyrus, I'm sorry." Asgore says, turning away from Papyrus. "But King Asgore, you have nothing to apologize for." Papyrus says as he opens the letter.

*Oml I just saw after almost 2 months that sapelling** mistake go ahead and shame me

**I'm going to kill myself what the actual fuck I cannot spell

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