self love

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this is one of the hardest parts, and I've yet to do this. there is no magical step to it, it's your own custom process. telling yourself good things about yourself, complimenting your body, and surrounding yourself with body positive attitudes, and that's a great direction to go in. i wish i could explain how to do this, and once i do it for myself, I'll let you know. if you have any tips for me, yourself or others comment. self love builds confidence, world peace and compassion for others, and no it won't make you fat. That was my fear that I'd lose control, but it's the exact opposite. It gives you control over your life, but you don't need control once you're happy with yourself. self love is one of the hardest parts of recovery but one of the most vital pieces as well. in some cases you gotta fake it till you make it, but you'll get there someday.

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