Chapter 3

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After explaining the incident about Caspian and out story up till then. I also explained to Trumpkin how I left Truffle hunter and Nikabrik with the boy. We, when I mean we I mean Peter, were rowing down Glasswater. I was sitting next to Edmund but for some reason I was really nervous. I don't know why but I sort of liked it. Lucy looks up towards the trees.

"They're so still" she says.

Trumpkin and I both look at her. "They're trees. What do you expect?" replied before I could.

"They used to dance."

I looked sadly towards her. "It wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded. Those that survived retreated to the woods. And the trees have retreated so deeply inside themselves that no one has heard from them since."

"I don't understand. How could Aslan have let this happen?" Lucy says.

"Aslan? I thought he abandoned us after you lot did." Trumpkin replied.

Peter then said "We didn't mean to leave, you know."

"Doesn't make much difference now, does it?" Trumpkin said. At this I lowered my head sad. I wished it could still be like it was back when they were here. Someone must have noticed my sudden change in mood because a second later someone grabs my hand and squeezes it. I look up shocked to see Edmund smiling at me, I gave him a small smile back.

We finally reached the shore and climb out of the boat. I help Trumpkin to tie the boat to the shore. At the corner of my eye, I see Lucy start to wander off and I then notice the bear.

"Hello there! ... It's alright, were friends" she says.

The bear stands up and looks at Lucy. At this point, I know something is wrong. I nudge Trumpkin and gesture my head to Lucy.

"Don't move, your majesty!" I calmly say.

At the sound of my voice, she turns. The bear starts to charge towards us. Susan puts an arrow to the string and take aim. I run back to the boat to grab my bow and arrows.

Susan shouts at the bear. "Stay away from her!"

Edmund looks towards his sisters worriedly. "Susan, shoot!"

The bear continues to charge. Lucy screams. Just before it reaches her, I let go of the arrow. It hits the bear and it quickly falls to the ground. Susan looks confused and turns to see that it was me who fired the shot.

"Why wouldn't he stop?"

"I expect he was hungry" Trumpkin states.

The Pevensies all run over to Lucy. Peter helps her up whilst pointing his sword at the bear.

"He was wild." Edmund said shocked.

"I don't think he could talk at all" Peter say after.

"Get treated like a dumb animal long enough and that's what you become" I said to them both.

At the same time, Trumpkin draws his knife. "You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember" he finishes.

Hope - an Edmund Pevensie love storyWhere stories live. Discover now