Chapter 7

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After the slight interruption, we walk towards where the army's based. At the moment I'm walking next to Edmund. We hear Trufflehunter and Trumpkin talking.

"So, what are they like?" Trufflehunter asks.

Trumpkin humph. "Complainers... Stubborn as mules in the morning".

"So you like em?"

"Well enough."

I giggle at this.

"Hey, he also called you a mule as well"

I turn to see Edmund grinning at me. I nudge him with my hip. This starts a small with us that ends up with me pushing him over. It was good thing that we were at the back otherwise it would be like a domino effect. I start to laugh loudly and offer him my hand. He grabs it and pulls me down. I soon find myself to be straddling his waist, with my nose touching his.

"Oh god, I'm sorry" I say trying to stand up but am stopped when he grips my waist.

"Don't worry about it" he says. His eyes looking straight into mine. I soon start to lean in as does he. We're stopped when Susan shouts to us.

"Come on you two. Hurry up."

We quickly clamber up and run after the others.

"What were you two doing?" Susan asks.

"Nothing" we both say. I can quickly feel my face heat up.

"Right" the Pevensies all say.


We soon reach camp. I quickly realise we are at Aslan's How. On either side of the path centaurs stand and raise their swords. Both me and Caspian stop and the Pevensies continue. After a while, Caspian goes and me after. Even if he is not a King of Narnia, he still is a Prince. I smile when I see a child centaur holding his sword too low. His mother quickly raises his arms so his sword doesn't her Lucy. We enter the How and find Narnians making weapons.

Caspian shrugs. "It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible".

I grab Edmunds hand and start to drag him along.

"Come on your going to want to see this."

The others grab torches and follow us.

"Look" I say. I point towards the carvings of them as the kings and queens of the Golden age.

Susan's shocked. "It's us."

Lucy turns to Caspian "What is this place?"

"You don't know?"

Caspian turns and leads us down a dark tunnel. Neither Edmund nor I let go of each other's hand. I smile at this. At the end, Caspian lights a fire and it spreads across the room to reveal the carvings of Narnians and Aslan. It also shows the cracked Stone Table. Lucy looks at the carving of Aslan and slowly walks forward. She turns back with a look of upset on her face.

"He must know what he's doing" Lucy says, her voicing shaking.

Peter stands. "I think it's up to us now".

We look at the carving of Aslan and sigh. Edmund squeezes my hand silently telling me we are going to be ok.

Hope - an Edmund Pevensie love storyWhere stories live. Discover now