Chapter 9

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How dare he. Just because he's a king doesn't mean he can tell me what to do... Well technically it does but eugh. I thought he would understand.

After leaving Edmund by the table, I walked until I found an empty room. How could he. He knows what the Telemarines have done. He knows that I can defend myself. Why can't he just let me go. I just sit there letting the questions fly around my head.
I don't know how long I am there but I'm brought back to reality when I feel someone sit next to me. I turn to meet a pair of brown eyes. Edmund.

I stand to leave when I feel something stopping me. I see Edmund grabbing onto my arm.
"Look, I know your mad at me" he says. "And I want to say I'm sorry. Its not my place to tell you if you can or can't fight. That's your decision"

"Why? What would be so bad about me fighting?"

I see him looked shocked and mumbles something under his breath. "Edmund, please tell me."

"I care about you ok. I don't know why or how or when I started to feel it but I do. I care about you and don't want you to get hurt."

As soon as he said that, I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.
"Edmund, I care about you too but how do you expect me to make sure you aren't in trouble if I'm not there with you. I promise you I will not get hurt."

He looked at me quickly and soon pulled away from the hug.
"Come on, we've got to go and prepare a battle plan."
It was pitch black. I was on one of the griffins Edmund. He had decided it would be safer to have two guards on lookout. We soon land top of a tower, out of sight of one of the soldiers. We sneak around so when he looks up, he can't see us. As planned, the griffin grabs him and pulls him up. Edmund and I jump down, and switch on his torch to signal the others. Edmund had told me about his torch and all the other amazing things in his own home. He said it was called Finchley and wasn't nearly as big as Narnia.
I look to see Peter, Susan, and Caspian, land safely. One of the soldiers notices Edmund's signals and he starts to aim his crossbow. I gasp and quickly move to push edmund out of the way but before i do Susan shoots him.
Whilst me and Edmund are waiting for the others we talk and he plays with the torch.

"So," I say. "Since when did you care for me so much."

Anyone can clearly see that he turns a bright red. He starts to stutter and because of his nervousness, he accidentally drops the torch. A soldier picks it up, and accidentally turns it on. We duck so not to be seen.

"Petes going to kill me"

"Edmund calm down, we will get your torch and it will be ok."

We look over the edge and nod our heads, silently agreeing. We both jump down, only for me to land onto of the soldier, therefore knocking him out. Ed gives me a hand up.

"Nice landing."

I laugh and bump his hip with mine. "Shut up!" However as soon as the laughter started, it quickly stopped. Bells, ringing loud and clear. We both looked at each other with a worried look.
We turn to see Peter, Susan, and Caspian run out onto the courtyard. I'm quickly brought to attention when two guards rush towards me and Ed. I block all his attacks but am never able to get a good hit.

"Now, Ed, now! Signal the troops!" Peter shouts to us.

"I'm a little busy right now, Pete!"

I stab my opponent through the chest. "I'm sorry" I whisper to him and quickly rush to Edmunds side. I see that he's dropped his sword and fighting the guard off with his sword. He isn't winning. In fear, I jump in and stab the telemarine in the back. I run to Edmund to check he's ok.

"Ed, are you ok?"

"I'm fine its the torch. Its not working"

We keep trying to turn it on, but it still doesn't work. Finally, the torch turns on, and Edmund flashes it. With that, the Narnians charge into the castle. The Narnians charge past Peter, Susan, and Caspian. They draw their weapons, and run to join the battle.
Peter raises his sword. "For Narnia!!"

Me and Ed are start to run through the corridors until we see Telmarines with crossbows aimed at Peter and Susan. Edmund grabs me and we slide down and hit the soldier over. Peter looks up at us.

"Ed! Hope!"

We look to the left and sees the other soldiers with crossbows, now aimed at us. I dive, grabbing onto him, into a room and he kicks the door before we are hit by any arrows.
In any other situation, I would blush at the position Edmund and I were in. Him, with his legs either side of my hips, onto of me. His face so close to mine I could see the flecks of green in his eyes.
I coughed awkwardly.

 "Ed, we need to go."

"Oh. Right. Sorry" he said, whilst helping me up. I grabbed his hand and we ran up the stairs to the top of the tower.

When we get to the top, Ed takes out his torch and uses it to lock the door. We look round, in hope of seeing the griffin but its nowhere in sight. Suddenly,  the soldiers start to bang against the door. Edmund grabs my waist and places me behind him. He turns to me.

"Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?" He asked again.

"Of course I do."

"Then hold onto me, no matter what." That was the last thing he said before turning back to the door. My sword in his hands.

All of a sudden, the door slams open and the soldiers rush in with drawn swords. Edmund pulls me back to the ledge, looks down and then jumps. I cling onto his arms for dear life. When I think that all hope is lost, I landed on the back off a griffin. Thank Alsan for that.

"Told you to trust me" Ed says with a smirk.

With my arms around his waist, I lean forward, kiss his cheek and then settle my own onto his shoulder. I look around to see the Narnian soldiers in the courtyard. Shot dead. I turn to face forward with tears in my eyes.

Hope - an Edmund Pevensie love storyWhere stories live. Discover now