Chapter 17; training begins

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Yuki-chan POV

Papa and Pappy was talking with Iruka-sama inside the classroom talking about how I did at my first school day. I was told to sit outside and wait until they had finished talking with each other. A giggle escaped my lips as I heard all about Guy-sama telling Iruka sensei that of course the daughter of the blue beast and copy cat would be extremely powerful and he could not be more proud of the youthfulness his daughter showed by protect a comrade. 

I wished that Mr. Wiskers were here now.The door to the classroom opened and Papa Kakashi came out of the door. He looked down at me and reached out his hand. 

"Yuki-chan would you please come with me" Papa said and I took a hold of his hand. I led me into the room where Guy-sama and Iruka sensei were talking with each other. Both of their eyes landed on me and I quickly hid myself behind Papa-sama as my shyness took over me. 

"Papa have done something wrong" I mumbled to Kakashi-sama and Iruka sensei cheeks turned a bit red. I was holding onto the edge of Papa-sama sleeve and a sigh could be heard from Kakashi-sama as moist began to fill Guy-sama eyes. My feet left the ground as I was pressed into Guy-sama chest as he yelled "No my youthful little princess you have done nothing wrong", as tears streamed down his cheeks. 

"Iruka I understand your concern about Yuki-chans powers, but I assure you that Guy and I will start train her right away, right Guy" Papa said while looking towards Iruka-sensei and then turning towards Guy. A smile was printed on Guy-sama face as he said "of course, my little Angel will become the pride and joy of the Leaf village when I am done training her". 

I giggled at the thought of spending more time with Papa and Pappy. Iruka sensei looked at me with concern as he said "sounds like a plan and Yuki-chan thanks for saving Naruto". I smiled at him and said "of course I will protect my friend". 

"friend" I could hear Iruka mumble while looking down at the ground. Kakashi said "alright I think that we will take Yuki home now". Iruka sensei nodded and I was carried out of the acadamy in my Pappy's arms. 

Time Skip

My dads took me into one of the train hall of Guy-sama house. Each of the training halls were designed differently. This one was filled with all kinds of practice weapon while the other one was designed for hand to hand combat. 

"Yuki-chan from this day forth you will be practicing with Papa and I, so that we can teach you to master your abilities" Guy-sama said while placing me down on the floor. Papa-sama went down on my level and said " okay, Yuki what weapon do you wish to train with first" while pointing towards the weapons that were hanging on the wall. 

I ran over to the wall and grabbed onto a Boken which was just a wooden version of a katana. My feet rushed over to Kakashi-sama as I said "this one" while handing it over to him. Pappy was looking at me with  a weird expression on his face. Kakashi simply put on a smile behind his mask and said "okay, go get changed and then we start practice". 

I got into my bedroom and found a white and red kimono which looked a lot like that a priestess would wear. The outfit was a bit to big for my small body, but I could not get it in a small size so I just have to live with it until I grow into the kimono. 

When I got into the training hall again, Pappy-sama stood ready with another Bakon while Papa was still holding on to the one I had given him. I could see hearts form in Guy-sama eyes as he show me walking into the room while Papa was blushing slightly under his mask. 

"My little girl looks exactly like a princess now" pappy said as fake tears streamed down his cheek. He dropped his Bakon while he rushed over to me. I was lifted up into the air as he rubbed our cheeks against each other while yelling on about youthfulness. 

"Guy, Guy, should you not start teaching Yuki, how to use the sword instead of squeezing her to death" Kakashi said as an anime drop feel from his head. A sigh came from Guy-sama as he put me down onto the ground. He walked over an took the Bakon he had dropped into his hand, while Kakashi hand the one he held over to me. 

"Okay Yuki, show your Pappy what you got" Guy-sama said as a glimmer came on his teeth while he sent me a smile. I smirk formed on my lips as I ran towards him with full speed. He was making ready to block my attack, but I pushed chakra into my feet so for a second I vanished from his point of view. 

I gave out a warrior cry as I attacked him from behind. He dogged my attack and jumped forth to create some distance between us. Kakashi-sama had looked away from a book he was reading when I  made my first attack, but he quickly returned to reading his book again. 

 The training went on with Pappy-sama helping me improve what Kisame nii-chan had taught me. Kakashi-sama stopped us from training, when it became dinner time. I was told that my dads with take turns when it came to my training and practice would be four hours each school day and in the weekend it would be for 8 hours. Papa told me that I am free on Fridays since my body needs time to heal  and regain its chakra level again. 

I went to bed early since I had to go to school tomorrow morning. I always had nightmare when I sleep alone, my parents would take turns when it came to letting me sleep with them. To night I had too sleep with Pappy-sama. I feel into a quiet wonderland while being in my Pappy's arms while having Mr wiskers in my own tiny embrace. 

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