Chapter 43: Reunited with Pappy and Papa

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Yuki POV

"WOOOOOOW so this is the tower" Naruto uttered gazing up at the large building a bit further ahead. Sakura tilted her head as she said "the forest truly does hid the tower pretty well". A groan come from Sasuke as we continued down our part. The damage that has come to our teams is pretty bad. Both Sasuke and Naruto are covered in bandages and from what Sakura told me they were attacked by a snake like creature, which sounds like someone I really hope I would never see again. 

"Okay guys lets get into the tower and finish our mission, shall we" I said with a smile across my face. When we came into the tower all we saw around us was empty space. We pulled out the scrolls and counted to 10 before opening them.  A larges doses of smoke came around them as a voice said "congratulation you guys passed". I smiled as I heard the familiar voice in my ears. The white haired ninja looked down at me with a smile underneath his mask. 

Time-skip Kakashi POV

I walked down the halls of the tower with my team telling them about where they could find things and that they had to what for 3 days before the next test began since this test had not finished yet. 

"By the way Yuki-chan you should probably go see Gai right away since he has been worried about you for days" I said looked down at my daughter.  Gai has been crying ever and breaking stuff ever since Yuki went into the forest. I even had to stop him once for trying  to break out of the tower to find her. When I tried giving him a lecture but it ended up being him that gave me a lecture why we should go out at find our little lotus princess. 

"Okay Papa, I'll go find Pappy" she answered with a cute smile on her face. Thank goodness she came, I probably could not stand another night hearing Gai complain in his sleep, why did they even give us the same room. Seriously sometimes you should think that the entire villages things we are a married couple because of Gai. Married...?

Yuki POV

I said goodbye to my team and head in the direction Papa had told me Pappy would be in. When I got to the training hall, I saw Gai smashing down one piece of wood after another while yelling out "My little butterfly needs me, why do they try to keep us apart, it is not youthful at all". A group of jounin ninja were around him all of them on their guard. I went behind him while hand signing to the other to act like nothing. 

"My lovely princess needs me, why do they not understand" he said as tears streamed down his cheek. I sighed as I said "I am glad that you missed me Pappy-sama". He spun around and in less than a second he had me in an iron hug while mumbling stuff about how worried he was and Kakashi was being a big MEANI. I giggled as I crushed my tiny frame against his own big frame. 

"it is good to be back" I mumbled in my Pappy's chest. 

"Jo got room for one more" A voice said a bit further ahead. Both me and Pappy turned our attention towards the voice and saw Kakashi standing there with his hand up. Gai loosened his grip on me. My feet touched the ground and I walked over to Papa. I took his head and walked back to Pappy. We all joined each other in one big group hug. 


The days went by quickly. Sasuke was spending most of his time with the doctors in the tower. Naruto on the other hand was completely healed after a good night sleep. Sakura had vanished the passed few days. I sometimes spotted her near the medical rooms looking into the room where Sasuke was. Naruto and I had Ramen eating competitions in the dinning hall sometimes, but I lost every time, so I made it into a dango eating competition and won. Lets say it like this, Naruto was pretty surprised to find out how much dango I can eat.

Today was the day that we would see which other teams made it through. Everyone was to meet in the great hall. When I got there, their was a lot of teams in the room. Seems like more people than excepted made it through the test. My eyes fell on the red hair boy from the sand standing together with his team. Seriously why did he have to make it through, I really do not want to fight him. 

"HEY, Yuki-chan" A voice yelled. I turned around and saw my dads mini me running towards me. I waved at him while yelling "hey Lee". He smiled at me as he said "so your team made it through as well". 

Gaara POV

I recognized a new voice in the room, when I looked towards it, my eyes fell on Yuki-chan talking with some leaf village ninja. What is that boy doing anywhere near my Yuki. Why is she smiling at him and act as if they are friends. A smirk came on my face as I thought of  the ways I was going to kill that boy, if I am going to fight him. 

"SILENCE EVERYONE, THE HOKAGE IS GOING TO SPEAK NOW" a ninja yelled from the balconies above us. The hokage walked into the middle of the balcony and began to congratulate about having made it through, but he said that we need to have an elimination round before the next test  since to many had made it through. 


Hey Guys 

So I am going to finishes this story with probably around 5 - 10 chapters, so I want to know if anyone has any wishes about things they would like to happen. I also would like if some of you could tell me if their is something you feel like I could do better for future stories. It would be lovely if some of you would tell me what you liked the most about this story and so on as well. 

Thank you for reading this story and you guys are truly amazing for all the support. :) 

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