Chapter 42: Yuki-chan to the rescue

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Yuki POV

"nothing" I spat out as I forced a smile on my face. Naruto tilted his head and mumbled "okay", while he wrinkled his brow. Bird flew away as a large snapping sound entered our ears. I jumped behind a tree and hand signed to Naruto that he should hid. A clear sound of metal against metal entered my ear and from the corner of my eyes I could see kunai's getting thrown around a bit further ahead. 

"who do you think it is" Naruto mumbled to me as he snuck behind the same tree as me. A bad taste was i my mouth as I saw tiny fragments of sand near the area. I turned to Naruto and whispered "go back and find the others, tell them that we cant use this road". The boy looked at me with  confusion as he said "what about you Yuki". I sighed and took a quick gaze towards the battle area. 

"I join you in a moment I just need to check something out" I mumbled. Naruto gave me a short nod and went towards our teams meeting spot. Okay Gaara lets see if it is you that is fighting. I climbed up to the top branch of the tree and jumped a bit closer to the battle. My eyes fell on Gaara that was using his sand to kill a few ninja from the hidden mist. The ninja were screaming in pain as they were buried in Gaaras sand coffin. My heart grew heavy as I looked down at my childhood friends cold gaze. 

"Gaara seems like this guys had the same scroll as us" the blond girl yelled as she looked down at one of the corpses. A sighed came from Gaara as he said "well on to the next group then". The boy with the cat hoodie said "should we not check if they have the scroll before attacking them, we have already eliminated 4 teams this fare". "What Gaara why would you kill that many people, I though as they walked off into the distance. 

After a few minutes I jumped down from my hidden and walked over to the corps. I looked through their belongings and found their scroll. Yes it is a different scroll than my teams, but that means Gaara might attack my team if we are not careful. I placed the scroll in my pocket and ran back the our meeting spot.

Time Skip 

Sakura POV

"Naruto, Sasuke don't worry we get through this" I mumbled as water fell down from my cheeks. Both of them were heavily damaged after the snake guy attacked us. Where was Yuki when we need her and why did she send Naruto instead of herself. A bang went though my ears as smoke filled my surrounding. Ohh no another attack, I look though the smoke but could not see a thing. Suddenly I felt a hand grabbing onto my hair and  pulling it upwards. 

"No use in crying little girl" a cold voice said as my hair was pulled even more and tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. The smoke cleared and I could see 3 sound ninjas surrounding us. 

"Lets kill the girl and get this over with" one of them said. The one holding my hair pulled out a kunai and pressed it closely to my neck. Please someone save us, why could I not be strong like Sasuke or Yuki. I got to do something or this guys will kills us all. 

"GET YOUR HANDS OF THEM" a voice yelled high up in the trees. When I looked in the direction I could see Yuki-chan standing on one of the higher branches. 

Yuki POV

Thank goodness I made it back in time. The sound ninja were looking up at me as one of them yelled "Your teammates are already beat up do you really think you stand a chance against us". I placed a hand on my katana and looked at each of the sound ninja. Even if I activated Ying or Yang, I probably could not win against them on my own. 

"Release dragon that lurk in the shadows and lend me your power, Release Yang" I ordered and a bright light surrounded me as my hair and eyes began to changes. Yang stood tall behind me while I held tightly on to my katana. Sweat had formed on the sound ninja brow as the looked at Yang in horror. I jumped down from the tree and attacked one of the ninja while sending Yang to attack another one. Blood danced around in the air as Yang snapped the head of one of the sound ninja while I cut on in the chest. 

"Hey if you want your teammate to live then you better surrender yourself right now" the sound ninja that was holding Sakura captured yelled while a drop of blood went down Sakura neck. 

"GET OFF ME YOUR BASTARD" Sakura yelled as she cut a kunai into the side of the sound ninja while freeing herself from her capture. 

"YANG NOW" I yelled and my dragon flew towards the sound ninja and eat the ninja in one bite. The two other ninja were both death on the ground. Both Sakura and I were covered in blood and sweat. 

"are you alright sakura" I asked. The girl nodded and we both walked over to our teammates. My eyes fell on the bite mark on Sasukes neck. Don't tell me that he managed to enter the exam, I thought while a picture of the snake man formed in my mind. 

"Seems like this guys had the same scroll as us" Sakura mumbled as she through one of the sound ninjas bags. The girl sighed as she said "what are we going to do now, we won't be able to fight another group and we still don't have a scroll". 

I shook my head and pulled out the scroll I had found earlier. A smile spread across Sakuras face as she looked down on it. 

"when Naruto and Sasuke wakes up we will head for the tower" I said and sat down on the ground. Sakura nodded and sat down next  to me. 

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