Chapter 52: beast release

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Yuki POV

My heart was pounding wildly as  I had my fingers crossed while biting down on my lower lip. I gazed down into the arena, where Gaara was fighting my teammate Sasuke. Was it wrong of me to be cheering on a person from another village and not on my own teammate, I thought while I heard my old classmates yelling out Sasukes name. Gai and Kakashi was sitting next to each other on my right side, while Hinata was on my left side. Both my dads were quit, but from time to time I caught them looking at each other in a different way than they did before I left the village. I wonder, what happened between them while I was gone. 

Gaara was sending Sasuke towards a tree using his sand, but Sasuke used his fire jutsu making the sand vanish around him so he could escape. I could see that both of them were talking, but all the screams made it impossible for me to figure at what is was about. 

Gaara POV

"why don't you just give up already" I asked the leaf kid, as he landed on all four a few meters away from me. A disgusting smirk was on Sasukes face as he said "I am sorry, but I wont loose to you especial since someone very important is watching this". 

I caught him staring at towards Yuki, who was sitting with her dads and her friend, which she wrote me about. This boy really is irritating, I can see why Yuki does not really like him at all. 

"I am sorry, but that girl does not like you" I commented. The boy simply smirked while saying "well I make her like me and besides if I get rid of the competition then she has to become mine". 

My eyes were wide as I heard does words. Wait is he planing to kill all of Yukis male friends if he sees them as competition, I thought while sending a large amount of sand at him again. 

"you like her too, don't you" he suddenly said, while a smoke could appeared as my sand clashed into him. I heard feet landing on the ground behind me and turned around finding him there standing all high and mighty. 

"ohh of course Yuki-chan would never like a monster like you, she probably saw pity in you" he marked and rage started boiling up inside me. SHUT UP, I thought as my  fist tightened and blood dripped from my nails. 

"I am not a monster" I yelled as I smashed my sand towards him much faster than before. Sasuke barely escaped and a large flesh wound had formed on his leg as he found a place to stand again. 

"you have the 1 tailed inside of you, you are nothing but a monster" he said suddenly vanishing again. A sharp pain came on my arms as my body was kicked towards a wall. My back smashed into the wall and when I looked out, I saw Sasuke standing where I had been before. My sand was dripping from face and creaks had formed in my shield.

I rose from the ground and stepped closer to him as my breath was heavy and blood dripped down my arm. 

"I might be a monster, but I wont allow a bastard like you to insult Yuki by saying her kind nature was an act of pity" I declared as my sand surrounded me. I am sorry Yuki-chan, I promise I will make it up to you, I thought as the darkness surrounded me and I felt the 1 tailed chakra pouring out of my body. 

Yuki POV 

White pedals were falling from the sky as I sensed a dark aura coming from ball Gaara was strapped inside. A sleepiness was coming over me and when I looked around I saw some of my classmates already in a deep slumber. What someone is using a Jutsu I thought as I tried putting my fingers together, but could not succeed. Seems like I am already to far in to get out, I thought feeling my eyes shut. 

"YUKI, YUKI My baby girl wake up" a voice yelled as my eyes opened again. I saw Pappy standing in front of me, while shaking my body. Papa was standing behind me having a hand on my head probably having just preformed the release for the jutsu. 

"are you all right, Yuki-chan " Papa asked. I gave them a short nodded and rose my seat. Suddenly a pair of sand ninja was in front of us standing ready with some kunais. Wait what is happening is the hidden sand attacking. A loud roar came from the arena breaking me out of my thoughts. Tears came in my eyes as I saw the 1 tailed beast smashing thought the walls of the arena. I could sense Gaara inside the one tailed as the beast escaped. Gaara don't worry, I will save you. 

"what is happening" I asked pulling out my Katana while looking down at Hinata than was still in a jutsu. 

"seems like the sand is no longer our allies" Gai said.

"Yuki-chan help your friends out of the jutsu, while we handle these ninja" Papa said. I nodded and released Hinata from the jutsu.

"what happened" she asked. 

"the hidden sand is attack, help me get the others out of the jutsu" I said. She nodded and we jumped from friend to friend trying to get them out of the jutsu. 

"YUKI-CHAN" a voice yelled. I saw Naruto standing a bit further up. 2 Sand ninjas were trying to attack him from behind. I jumped up to him and said "Naruto are you alright", while kick one of the sand ninja away from him. The other tried to attack me but I hit him with the back side of my Katana. 

"Naruto, got any idea of where the one tailed went" I asked.

"It is heading outside the village, but the hokage is also under attack" he said while pointing towards the seats meant for the kages. Orochimaru, I thought looking at  the jutsu sealing our Hokage away from everyone else. 

"Naruto lets go stop the one tailed, the Hokage is going to be alright by himself for now" I explained. He nodded and we both started running towards the arenas exit. As we ran through the hallway out of the arena a voice said "where do you guys think you are going". " 

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