Chapter 47: a journey towards the truth

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Yuki POV

"Yuki, here is some food and a coat.." Pappy started saying as he placed a ton of stuff into my hands, while I was standing in front of the leaf villages gates. Tears streamed down his cheeks while started mumbling all kinds of stuff about how I should not talk to strangers and such. I turned my attention towards Papa standing behind us. Pappy was hugging me tightly while Papa walked closer to us.

"Yuki are you sure, you don't want to say goodbye to your other friends before you leave" he asked me while rubbing my hair. I shook my head as I answered " No Papa, it is better that they don't know, and beside I will be back just in time for the chunin exam". 

Papa nodded as he help me free from Gai gripped and took me into my arms while saying "come on Gai, you are not her only father". 

"still, it feels like yesterday when my little Yuki froze my hand declaring herself my little princess of youthfulness" Pappy cried out. I sighed one last time as I hugged both my dads goodbye. Gai kept saying that he should go with me, but Kakashi just held him back and said "Gai, Yuki wants to this on her own and we need to respect that as her parents". 

I walked through the gates of the leaf village, which had been my home for so long as I waved goodbye one last time. My body started running down the road excited to finally find out who I really am and why Ying and Yang was given to me. 

"Yuki, we will show you the way all you got to do is follow the brights star on the night sky and during the day you follow the sounds of the birds singing "Yang and Ying said I started jumping through the tree tops. 

Time skip

I had been traveling for a day now and was camping near a small river. I recognized the area to be close to one of the hide outs my brothers used. Maybe I should go see if anyone was home, since I have not really seen them for years now. I wonder how everyone is doing, I thought while hugging Mr wiskers. 

A branch snapped near me and I quickly place a hand near the shaft one of my katanas. My eyes were wide as I recognized a voice saying "come on Sasori art is an explosion". 

"art is eternal" Sasori answered and a smile formed on my face. 

"by the way, why are we walking this way to the hide out it is much quicker to walk the other way" Deidara asked. Sasori did not answered and the bushes not fare from my started rustling. A look of surprise from  on Deidara face as he walked through the bush and his eyes landed on me. Sasori was standing next to him as he said "been a long time, Yuki-chan". 

A smile was painted onto my face as I ran over to them and hugged them tightly. Tears streamed down my cheeks and landed on the cloaks as I asked "how did you find me". 

"I always now, where you are as long as you have Mr wiskers with you" Sasori said looking at me. Deidara ran his fingers through my hair as he said "good to see you, Yuki-chan, what are you doing out here". 

"Ying and Yang are taking me to a special place so I can learn more about my powers" I answered and a look of surprise were on both of their face. 

"Yuki-chan it is dangerous for you to travel alone, you now" deidara said.  I shook my head and said "big brother I have gotten a lot stronger since last time". 

"deidara why don't we help Yuki-chan to her destination" Sasori said while Deidara answered" yeah lets, then I can show Yuki-chan the through meaning of art". 

"art is eternal" Sasori said. I could not help but laugh at how little the two had changed. I looked down at my feet. So much have change through out the years for me. Now I am taller and wearing a leaf headband. I have two fathers and a ton of friends my own age, but how come Deidara and Sasori had not change. Do they like the new me, I thought while we set off on our journey together. Through most of the trip Deidara would argue with Sasori about art. Sasori showed me his new dolls and Deidara showed me some new clay figures he had made. 

Time skip

My journey was now on its 3 day and I was very close to the spot my dragons had told me about. The forest was much hard to walked through now, because the grass went up to my knees. Deidara had started his explosion rampaged to get ride of the grass and Sasori used his puppets to cut down the grass. 

"why are all this stupid grass here" Deidara yelled out almost creating a forest fire, but Sasori used his puppets to put out the fire and told him to stop acting like a baby. 

My eyes landed on a gigantic bush and a clear sound of birds were coming from it. I walked over to it and pushed the branches to the side, while walking through the bush. The sound became clear and clear. My eyes were wide as I saw what meet me on the other side. 

"hey yuki-chan what for us" deidara said coming through the bushes. He stopped moving as his eyes landed on the area in front of us. 

"ohh" he said as Sasori came through the bush. 

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