Chapter 26; Proud fathers but a sad friend

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Naruto POV

I looked down at the grass beneath me as I sat on the swing. Seriously why do I always have to fail that exam, I thought as I saw the others kids running out of the academy to meet their parents. Yuki-chan was probably finished with her exam now. I remember how happy she was about the exam and how much she hope for both of us to pass, so we might get on a team together. She had even help me train, whenever her parents were not keeping her busy. I had never meet her parents, but she told me that they were both Jounin level ninjas and not much else. 

Now I just have to tell Yuki-chan that I did not pass again. I hope that she won't hate me for having wasted her time and that she still wants to be friends with me. Maybe Sasuke was right about me being a loose and that I am not worthy of being Yuki-chan's friend. A sigh escaped my lips as I heard Yuki-chan cute voice calling my name. 

"Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun" she yelled out and hugged me out of the blue. Her hair always had this lovely vanilla scent that would make anyone relax in her embrace. She released me of her embrace and had an angel like smile on her face. 

"I passed Naruto, now we two can go on adventures together as Leaf village ninja" she said excited, but her eyes quickly began making the elevator motion. 

"Naruto-kun where is your headband" she mumbled as her smile faded away.  Please Yuki-chan don't be sad, I thought as I saw the blurriness in her eyes. I fake a smiled and placed a hand behind my head.

 "The headband did not fit so Iruka-sensei is getting me a new one" I lied and a smile came on Yuki-chan face as she pulled me into a warm hug. She released me from her embrace and said " Naruto-kun, I have to go, Pappy wanted me to show him my headband the minute I got it". I nodded and waved goodbye to her as she ran off.

"Naruto" a voice said behind me and when I turned around.  Mizuki sensei walked out from behind the tree with a smile on his face as he said "you ain't nice to lie to such a cute little girl, Naruto", while having weird smile on his face. 

Yuki POV

Is Naruto-kun alright, why did he have that fake smile on his face and have such a sad look in his eyes, I thought, while running home. Maybe I should make some cake for him tomorrow, that would probably cheer him up. Papa's friend Kurenai could help me make the cake, she always makes the best kind of sweets. 

I ran home with the biggest smile on my face as I waved and greet everyone I meet on my way. Tomorrow I would even meet my sensei and my team. I really hope that Naruto-kun is on it and that none of does fangirls are on it. 

Those girls are really scary sometimes especially when Sasuke starts following me around like a stalker and they see it. Seriously what is worst having a emo-face stalker, our having his fangirls almost trying to kill you in your sleep. 

If I was lucky, I might get teamed up with Hinata-chan and Naruto-kun. We would become the greats ninja team in the entire Leaf Village, maybe we could team up with Pappy-sama's team on a mission some time. He had told me about how proud he was about one of his students that could only use Taijutsu, but still train so hard to become a great ninja. Pappy told me that we would introduce me to his team when I had found out which team I had come on. 

"Pappy, Papa I am home" I yelled as I opened up the door to our house. Guy-sama ran down the hallway and took me up into his arms with stars in his eyes as he saw my new headband. 

"I am so proud of my wonderful little princess" he said while rubbing our cheeks together. Papa hand poked Pappy's shoulder and Papa-sama turned towards him still carrying me like I was some nine year old. I could see the hint of a smile on Papa's lips as he looked towards my forehead.

"Papa, Pappy now I can be come a cool ninja like you two" I said with a child like voice and Pappy squeezed me as tears stream down his cheeks. He kept talking about how proud he was about his little girl becoming a ninja. Papa waited for Pappy to calm down before he ran his fingers through my hair and told me that he was happy for me. 

That night we celebrated that I was now a leaf village ninja by inviting all for Papa and Pappy's jounin friends. We had a great feast with all my favorite dices and the adult got to drink sake or it was mostly the men. I managed to ask Kurenai sensei for help about baking something for one of my friends that for some reason was really sad, so when the men were getting to drunk, she and I walked out into the kitchen. Anko sensei joined us after a few minutes since she was better when it came to holding your liquor or that was what she told me, when I asked her why she was not  sleepy like the rest.  

We made chocolate chip cookies but Kurenai and I had too keep an eye on Anko-sama that was trying to steal some of the cookies. I made a small bag for each of my friends each having a different colored ribbon on them. A purple one for Hinata-chan, a yellow one for Naruto-kun, a white one for Kiba, a green one for Shikamaru, a blue on for Shino and a red one for Choji. I also made some dog biscuits for Akamaru were I used a white ribbon as well so it would match Kiba's. 

A loud knock came on the front door and Kurenai walked over to answer it. She came back into the kitchen and whispered something to Anko sensei. Anko sensei woke up all the sleepy ninja and before long they all stood ready in the hallway. Papa placed a hand on my shoulder and said "Yuki-chan, Guy and I have to go on a mission now with our friends so I want you too go to sleep, since we probably be gone until late". 

"Okay Papa" I mumbled and they all said goodbye as they ran out of the front door. I could not help but feel a bit uneasy by seeing them go all of a sudden. What had happened since they all had to go, I thought as I walked towards my bedroom.

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