Chapter 40: the test

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Yuki POV

"I didn't know that Kakashi sensei was into that kind of thing" sakura mumbled while the other boys looked like their entire world had turned around. Naruto turned towards me and said "Yuki-chan is this true that Kakashi sensei is you know" as his gaze became awkward.

"that does not matter right now" Lee said and turned towards Sasuke. He pointed his finger at duck face and said " Sasuke Uchiha I challenge you to a fight". Please Lee stop it already, you might be strong but you stand no chance against Sasuke. A smirk appeared on Sasuke face as he said "well     don't come crying to me when you loose" as he took a fighting stand. 

"Hey guys, I don't think it is a good idea" Sakura said in a soft voice that vanished the minute Lee attacked Sasuke. Why did this have to happen, I thought as I face palmed myself.

"3....2..." I started counting down as Lee was trying to land a hit on Sasukes face. A large amount of smoke appeared. When it had cleared down I saw Pappy standing on his turtle while holding Lees leg so the boy was swing in midair. 

"hey dad" I greeted which gave me confusing gazes from my teammates as they saw Gai standing there in his green jumpsuit. Thank goodness Papa saved me all those times Pappy tried to put me into one of those. 

"Hey my lovely little princess" he said and turned towards Lee with an angry face. 

"ROCK LEE WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINK ATTACKING A MEMBER OF MY PRINCESSES AND MY RIVALS TEAM" He said as he released Lee from his grip so the boy fell head first into the ground. Lee went down on his hands and knees as he said "I am so sorry Gai sensei, I wanted to fight the Uchiha kid so I could show people that you are a much better sensei than Kakashi". Suddenly both of them started crying and mumbling stuff to each other, which made my entire team confused. 

"Guys what about we get up to the exam room" I said and started walking towards it leaving my Pappy and Lee alone. The team followed me and we ended up managing to find a way out of the genjutsu. 

"hey Yuki, was that man really you other father" Naruto asked as he came up next to me. Sakura was trying to hold onto Sasuke but he was always a step in front of her so she never managed to grab a hold of his sleeve. 

"I am actually interested in knowing how  you ended up with 2 dads" Sasuke said and was followed by Sakura mocking me"come on Sasuke a looser like her is bonded to have a weird family".

Naruto turned around and snapped "Sakura you shut up, Yuki-chan is 10 times more a ninja than you will ever be". 

"Naruto stop, you don't need to defend me" I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder. I stopped walking and turned towards all of my teammates.

A sigh escaped from my lips as I said " Kakashi and Gai adopted me when they found me alone outside the village, both of my real parents had died when I was a little and my only way of surviving was traveling from village to village". At least I did not lie to them, I just did not tell them about the people I traveled with. 

"I am sorry, Yuki I did not know" Sakura mumbled while feeling guilty over, what she had just said.

I shook my head and smiled at her while saying "you could not have know, so why don't we forget about this for now, we have an exams to pass". They all shook their heads and we walked into the exams room. 

Gaara POV

My attention turned towards the door as I saw Yuki-chan walking into the room with her team. It seems like the only strong people on that time is her and the boy with the black hair. The pink haired girl looked like she would run away from a fight the minute she would get a scratch, while the blond boy would probably die because he did something stupid. 

"Hey Gaara is that not the girl from a few days ago, why don't you go talk to her" Kankuro asked while pointing towards Yuki.

I shook my head and lied"She is of no importance to the mission or me". If Yuki-chan is entering then I have to make sure she survives. I am a monster but Yuki-chan was the only one than did make me feel like that and for that I will make sure, she will be the only leaf survivor of what is going to happen at the end of this exam.

The door to the room opened and a leaf village ninja came in with a stack of papers in his hand. He looked at all of us and said "take a seat the exam while start now". 

Yuki POV

I took the seat with my name on it and shortly after Gaara-kun walked over to me and took the seat next to me. Seriously why did they have to place us next to each other. I stole a glance at him, but his cold eyes were focused on the Leaf ninja explain the test for us. Alright Yuki-chan there is nothing to worry about, sitting besides Gaara wont be a problem, besides he told you that you were no longer friends after all, so focus on the test and shut Gaara out for now, I thought. 

The test was handed out to us and everyone began. After a few minutes most of them were cheating their way through the exams, because some of the questions were at jonin level. I really hope my teammates are figured out the really point behind this test, I thought as I answered all the questions, but at least I won't have to worry about getting caught since Pappy and Papa already taught me all of this. 

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