-Chapter One-

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Silver's paws thumped the snowy ground in a fast pace. One after the other. Her coat blended with the white powder as she kicked it up with powerful hind legs.

Her ears pointed forward, erect and listening for any sudden moves that the hoofed animal in front of her could make.

The animal ran as fast as it could, trying desperately to escape the sharp teeth of its predator. It sped through the trees of the forest, zigzagging through each in an attempt to lose its chaser.

Silver's mouth watered as she quickened her pace, nearly stumbling. Her stomach growled with desperation.

The predator and prey burst out of the brown and green towers, running on clear, frozen water.

It took hardly any time for Silver to realize that the flat ground they were running on was ice.

Thin ice.

She slowed her run, watching the hoofed animal gallop to the other side of the small lake. Towards the edge, the prey stepped on a sensitive spot on the ice, easily cracking it with a sharp hoof.

The crack trailed it's way to Silver's stand. The ice underneath her shattered under her weight. In the blink of an eye, Silver was swallowed by the icy water. Ice chunks sunk on top of her, pushing her struggling body farther down into the deep depths of the lake.

In a matter of seconds she surfaced, catching her claws on the unbroken ice and pulling herself up. Her fur dripped as her legs trembled from the cold.

Silver's stomach growled again, giving her a remembrance of the caribou across the lake. It was gone by now. It had escaped unscathed and dry, leaving Silver sulking in hunger and cold.

She slowly made her way to solid ground, shaking the whole while. Out of sheer anger in losing another meal, Silver pointed her muzzle to the sky and howled a long, flat note. Her howl announced her anger and hunger to the other creatures of the forest.

Silver silently made her way to her den, found on the edge of the forest, facing away from forest packs. Here, she cleaned and dried herself after the failed hunt.

No other wolf was around. Silver was a lone wolf; hunting, feeding, sleeping, and being by herself was her lifestyle. She was abandoned as a pup by her pack, after her family noticed her Silver Eyes.

Silver has been alone ever since, and just recently did she give up on looking for another pack. She accepted the fact that being a lone wolf was her way of living, her only way of living.

She didn't like the idea of it, but it was forced upon her by other wolves. She had no choice but to be a lone wolf. No other pack would accept her, knowing that her eyes were unnatural and foreign.

Tynder, a land full of wolf packs, lakes, forests, and many other features, was Silver's homeland. Still living in Tynder, Silver had no intention of leaving, knowing that outside wolf packs would still reject her.

Nightfall was near, and with the sun setting, came another night without a full stomach for Silver. She fell asleep with her begging stomach, getting lost in her own dreams of becoming part of a pack. With no Silver Eyes to get in her way.

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