~Chapter Fifteen~

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Two men walked through the greenery, their bellies jiggling with every laugh. The sun was low in the horizon, painting the sky with a beautiful tint of orange and purple.

The men, known as Jeremy and Elijah, were out checking the traps in the forest. Jeremy wore a simple blue T-shirt while Elijah wore a black T-shirt. Both wore blue jeans and work boots. Jeremy carried a shotgun and Elijah held a dart gun.

Jeremy removed his hat and ran his hand through his hair.

" I doubt we'll catch anything today, Elijah. We haven't caught anything since that young male wolf."

Elijah stepped forward and pointed towards a small clearing in the foliage.

" I think you'll disagree when you see that."

Jeremy looked ahead and widened his eyes. He glanced at Elijah before speeding past him. Elijah quickly followed in excitement.

Echo's ears jerked towards the men. He lifted his head and stared with wide eyes. Silver continued to dangle from the tree, the rope carving a mark in her fur and skin. It was beginning to hurt her, and she was partly relieved the men showed up.

Echo stood and lowered his ears to show submission to the men. Jeremy and Elijah stood astounded that Echo had stayed with Silver.

Elijah looked at Silver and found her eyes.

" She's a silver."

Jeremy nodded as he looked at Echo, who crouched low to the ground and tucked his tail between his legs. Echo was personally afraid of men. Ever since he watched his mother get taken away right in front of him, he was never the same.

As much as he wanted to run, and escape the plan, Echo stayed with Silver. He wasn't sure the men would take him with her. They weren't able to see Echo's silver due to the ear tufts that hid the shiny color.

Elijah pointed his dart gun at Silver, who stared at them with slight fear and anticipation. He took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

Silver yelped at the sting of the needle in her thigh, but quickly went limp as she fell into a deep, seemingly lifeless sleep. Echo gasped and jerked his head to look around, searching for a proper escape route.

He hesitated to stay, but it would be incredibly selfish for him to leave. Echo was torn between leaving and staying.

Jeremy looked down at the cowering Echo and pointed.

" What about him?"

Elijah looked at Echo, looking for any silver.

" He's not a silver. There's no reason to take him."

Jeremy looked from Echo to Silver.

" But he stayed with her. They must be mates. We can't just take one of them and leave the other."

Elijah stood in silence for a minute before raising his arm and pulling the trigger, sticking a dart in Echo's shoulder. Echo yelped and fell onto the ground.

Elijah looked at Jeremy with a victorious smile.

" Go get the cages. We have ourselves another silver."

Jeremy turned around and ran through the forest. About ten minutes later, he returned with two cages. Elijah pulled out a knife and cut the rope. Silver fell to the ground. Jeremy helped pick the wolves up and place them in the cages.

Elijah and Jeremy smiled at each other before picking up the cages and walking off into the forest. Silver and Echo's plan was working so far.

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