~Chapter Six~

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Echo's same routine of visiting Silver twice a day continued throughout that month, and Alpha grew more and more suspicious of Echo's daily leavings.

Until one evening, Echo was about to go out when Alpha stopped him. He approached him with not only suspicion in his eyes, but also anger.

" Tell me where you have been going every morning and evening for the past month."

Echo could tell Alpha was having trouble keeping himself calm as he spoke. Echo made eye contact and kept a straight stance. He had no idea what to say. He feared what Alpha might do if he found out about Silver.

When no answer came, Alpha raised his voice.

" Echo! Tell me with full honesty!"

Echo feared the worst, yet he told Alpha everything.

" I've been... taking care of the lone wolf. The very wolf who formerly owned our whelping den."

Alpha scoffed at his response. He bared his teeth and knocked Echo to the ground. The Tynders all watching in shock.

" You know the rules!! No helping lone wolves!! If they are not part of The Tynders, then they are not part of our business."

Echo looked at him with frustrated disagreement.

" You are the Alpha of the Forest. Your job is to help every wolf that lives in Tynder."

Alpha growled at him and stood tall above Echo's collapsed self.

" You're right, I am the Alpha of the Forest. And I said no taking care of loners!"

Echo disagreed with him silently. He stood up and began to walk out, ignoring Alpha. Alpha quickly reacted and jumped in front of Echo, keeping him from advancing further.

" There's a storm coming. Do you really think I'm gonna let you in a storm?! The last time you were in a storm you helped a loner!"

Echo looked at him with confidence.

" I'm sacrificing myself in the storm to at least try to help a lone wolf. It's not like you would ever do something sacrificial."

Echo continued around Alpha, who stopped him with a growl.

" If you go into that storm, Echo, you might as well never come back!"

Echo stopped in his tracks and swiveled his ears back as lightning began to streak the sky outside.

" Do I hear an exile?"

Alpha lifted his head and smiled behind Echo's back.

" Take it as you will, Echo."

Echo looked outside as the storm worsened. He couldn't believe Alpha was giving him a choice. Echo stood for a few seconds deciding on whether he should take the exile or not.

Then, without another word or even a glance behind his shoulder, Echo stepped outside and into the eye of the storm, leaving the only home he had.

I know this is a short chapter but I'm trying to get myself back into it. Longer chapters will come in the future.

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