~Chapter Twenty~

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Silver's padded feet thumped roughly on the ground as she followed after Brutus, trying desperately to persuade him to help defeat Alpha.

" Please, Brutus! Just think of all those wolves! Victimized by Alpha!"

Brutus walked across the habitat with irritation clear in his steps.

" I care about my pack!"

Silver, seeing no more use in begging, stopped in her tracks and stomped her foot frustratingly. She turned around and found Echo and Angel standing with concern on their faces.

Silver sighed and looked over her shoulder at Brutus, then back at Echo and his mother.

" He refuses to leave. No matter what I say."

Angel tilted her head and sat down.

" It's okay, Silver. He's stubborn that way."

Silver sat down and looked at her paws.

" We need-"

At that moment, the doors to the habitat opened. Every wolf stared at Jeremy and Elijah, who stood in the doorway with relieved expressions.

Then they walked away, leaving the wolves confused about the still-open doors. Silver and Echo ran to them, staring into the bright forest ahead.

The others all began to gather around, curious as to why the men left it open. It wasn't like them.

Angel came up beside Echo as her heart sped up.

" What's going on? The men never leave these doors open like this."

Silver continued to stare into the greenery, her heart pounding as she realized the reason.

" They're setting us free."

Brutus overheard and backed away.

" No! I'm staying here."

Silver, nearing her limit of anger, turned around and glared at Brutus. He sat promptly in place on his hill, staring down with complete confidence.

She walked up to him, straightening her stance all the while. Reaching him, she lifted her top lip up in annoyance and her teeth gleamed threatening white.

" Why do you want to stay so bad?!"

She began to growl for an immediate answer, her ears lay flat against her head in controlled
anger. Brutus showed no reaction to her threaten. He stayed silent. Silver sat down with her chest puffed out.

" What is your ability?"

Brutus seemed to turn sinister in his old looks as he looked down at his claws. They dug deep lines into the warm dirt. Silver followed his gaze and noticed his shiny silver nails.

She grinned slyly.

" You know... we could really use those claws to defeat Alpha."

Brutus still refused. Silver nodded once and turned around. She walked up to the rest of the pack, gave one more glance at the stubborn Brutus, then led everyone outside and into the forest.

Elijah and Jeremy watched from their house as the wolves left the habitat eagerly, with Silver and Echo leading. Seconds later, Jeremy stood and noticed that Brutus, the largest silver wolf known, was not in the pack.

Elijah and Jeremy went up to the doors of the habitat to find Brutus sitting lonely on his favorite hill. Jeremy shrugged his shoulders.

" Aww, he doesn't want to go."

Elijah shook his head and pulled out a hidden dart gun from his belt. He lifted it up with one hand next to his cheek.

" He has to. Boss says."

At that moment, he pointed the gun at Brutus and pulled the trigger, quickly knocking him out.

Instead of using a cage to transfer Brutus to the forest, Jeremy and Elijah carried him to the outside of the doors. They then closed the doors and locked them securely before removing the dart and going back to their house.

Minutes later Brutus woke up. He stood and noticed that the environment was different. He looked around and gasped at what happened. He growled in annoyance and stared at the doors.

Echo and Silver came up behind him. Echo sat down.

" You coming now?"

Brutus rolled his eyes and turned to face them.

" Fine. Only because I have nowhere else to go."

Silver smiled thankfully as they led Brutus back to the pack. They decided to take everyone to their den to plan for the attack.

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