~Chapter Twenty-One~

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Echo and Silver led everyone to their den. It was night by the time they arrived. Everyone entered the den with heads hung low and eyes drooping from a long day.

Silver went to the back of the den and sat up straight, watching as everyone entered one by one. Echo came up and sat next to her. She smiled brightly.

" Welcome to our den!"

One wolf groaned.

" It's pretty crammed in here."

Silver shrugged her shoulders.

" You'll just have to deal with it for now. Hopefully when we get rid of Alpha, we won't have to deal with such a crammed space."

Brutus and Angel walked up to Silver and Echo. Brutus looked over everyone and smirked.

" You don't need all of these wolves to take down this... Alpha you speak of."

Silver smiled wittingly.

" You're right. Which is why I'm only taking volunteers to help."

Brutus couldn't contain his laughter.

" You think you'll get volunteers?!"

Silver wasn't moved by his outburst of chuckles. She knew Brutus wasn't going to volunteer, he was too stubborn to do anything. She continued to smile proudly, wondering if her idea was insane.

" Who is willing to help in defeating an abusive leader? If you are, please step up and tell me your Silver Abilities."

Silence haunted the air for many minutes. Silver looked over the crowd of wolves that stared back at her with exhaustion in their eyes.

When nobody approached her, she sighed and came up with a better idea.

" Alright then, we'll finish this in the morning once everyone is well rested. Goodnight, and thank you all in advance."

With that, everyone immediately collapsed on the ground, falling asleep where they were standing. Silver looked over at Brutus and Angel and silently nodded.

Brutus moved and lied down against the rock wall of the den with Angel snuggled up against his side. Silver smiled warmly at them before laying close to Echo's side. She nuzzled him goodnight, and fell asleep thinking about what might happen the next day.

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