~Chapter Nineteen~

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Before dawn the next morning, a phone rang through the men's house. Elijah got out of bed reluctantly. He dragged his feet as he walked towards the phone in the kitchen.

His eyes drooped as he picked up the phone.

" Hello?"

" Good morning, Elijah."

The familiar voice on the other end was Elijah and Jeremy's boss. He checked up weekly for updates on the Silver Sanctuary.

Elijah covered his mouth as a yawn overwhelmed him.

" ...Good morning."

" Anything new?"

" Yeah. We just got a silver wolf a few days ago. We caught another wolf, but we don't see any silver on him."

The boss sighed.

" You are not supposed to capture normal wolves. Only silvers."

" Yes, Sir, I know. But he's her mate."

" Her? What can she do?"

" She has Silver Eyes. She can see color and extreme distances."

" Interesting... And are her abilities stemmed from the same genetic mutation?"

" Yes, all Silver Wolves have gotten their power through a genetic mutation. It is unclear how this has happened, though we are trying to figure that out."

" Now about your studies, Elijah. I have a proposition to make."

" ...Okay?"

" Would you be willing to... release all of the wolves?"

Elijah was taken aback by the question.

" Excuse me?"

" I think that it would be best if you let the wolves go."

Elijah stood up straight, irritation already clear in his voice.

" For what reason, exactly?"

" For the protection of the wolves, Elijah."

" Protection? There's a reason we called this place Silver Sanctuary. These wolves are safe here."

" That's where you're wrong. They'd be safer in the wild."

" I don't follow."

" In the Silver Sanctuary the government will be more likely to discover these powerful wolves. If the government finds out, those wolves will be used for money."

" But my job along with Jeremy is to do studies on the silvers. If this is our job, what else are we supposed to do?"

" There's job openings at the Local Zoo."

Elijah sighed and accepted the fact that the wolves would be safer in the wild.

" Alright, alright, alright. If it's best for the wolves, then I guess I'll do it."

" You've made the right choice, Elijah."

" Mhm."

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