~Chapter Sixteen~

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It was night by the time Jeremy and Elijah returned home with Silver and Echo. Their place wasn't far off Tynder; it practically bordered it.

Jeremy and Elijah were brothers. They lived together. Jeremy was twenty-six years old while Elijah was thirty. They approached their front door with large smiles on their faces. The porch light was the only glow around.

Their house was the size of a forest cabin. A large facility was connected at the back. The walls of the facility were made of steel. Large doors made entrance to the building. There was no roof, only barbed wire around the top of the walls.

Jeremy couldn't help but laugh at their victory.

" I can't believe we caught another silver!"

Elijah was older. He just smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

" I'm not surprised."

Silver's cage swayed next to his thigh. He placed the cage down and shifted through his key ring.

Jeremy shook his head.

" I could've sworn there were none left."

Elijah turned to face him, giving Jeremy a look of idiocy.

" Are you kidding? There's tons of these powerful wolves. And we're here to capture them and do studies to figure out what the heck is going on."

Jeremy nodded his head and looked down at the cages.

" We're going to let them go... aren't we?"

Elijah clenched his jaw at the question. He inserted his key into the door's lock and turned it open. The door creaked as it revealed the darkness of the house.

Elijah stared into the dark in silence before looking at the cages.

" Take them to the PreTesting Habitat."

Jeremy noticed Elijah's avoidance to answering the question. He ignored it and did as he was told. He picked up the cages and began to walk around the house.

As he walked, the cages shook next to his legs. The shaking woke up Silver. She groaned at the shaking as she lifted her head.

It took her only a second to remember the plan. She immediately looked around and realized that she was trapped for the time being. Silver could see only darkness as she looked through the small barred door on the cage.

She watched as Jeremy opened a metal door and walked into a large dark room. He switched on a light and the room lit up, revealing bright greenery.

Silver's mouth went agape at the beautiful scene. She felt so lucky to see color. If not, the beautiful landscape would be boring colors of black and white. Jeremy sighed and placed the cages down gently. He went around to face the cage doors.

Jeremy noticed Silver was awake and patted the top of the cage. Silver had a look of fear on her face. She had to admit, men were scarier than Alpha.

" Don't worry, Girl. Everything is going to be fine."

His words only worried Silver more. Jeremy  unlocked the cage and opened it. He then went over to Echo's cage and unlocked it. He saw that Echo was still not awake. Then again, Echo was shot a few minutes after Silver.

Jeremy left the room and locked the door from outside. He then returned to the house.

Silver waited until Jeremy was out of sound. She then slowly stepped out of the cage and stretched. She looked around at the scenery and her thoughts left her mind.

Trees rose up into the sky. Green grass and ponds covered the ground. The night sky could be seen through the roofless habitat. Barbed wire covered the top of the walls.

Silver stared at the beauty of it all until she heard a moan from behind her. She turned around and noticed Echo shifting in his wake.

She walked over to him and nuzzled his cheek.

" Echo... Echo wake up."

He slowly opened his eyes and looked right into her Silver Eyes.

" Silver?"

He stood up and bumped his back on the roof of the cage. It knocked him back down. Silver internally giggled at his clumsiness.

Echo slowly stood back up as to not touch the top. His stumbled out of the cage, his legs trembling.

He looked around the habitat confusingly.

" Where are we?"

Silver sighed and smiled happily as she looked around with him.

" We made it into the men's territory."

" Huh, where's the other wolves?"

Silver shrugged her shoulders and reached around to pull the dart out of her thigh.

" I don't know. But we know they're here so we'll just have to see."

Echo nodded as he turned to pull out the dart from his shoulder.

" What are we to do meanwhile?"

Silver yawned and found a den near one of the habitat ponds. She went inside and searched around for any strange scents.

She found it clear, and lay down with drowsy eyes.

" It's night. I know we just woke up, but that 'nap' was not intentional. Let's get some actual sleep now."

Echo nodded and lay next to her. They touched noses as they drifted off to another restful sleep.

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