~Chapter Ten~

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Echo shifted his weight uncomfortably as he prepared himself. He was scared to tell Silver his deepest secret. Something that he's kept to himself for much too long.

Silver stood in front of him, her Silver Eyes glistening with their new power and curiosity. She looked at him with concern. Silver could see the fear and hesitation in his eyes. She waited patiently, though she was eager to learn his past.

Echo bit his bottom lip at the anticipation in the air. Knowing Silver for a little over a month, Echo felt he could trust her. He had many reasons to trust her.

Why would she back out on me now?

Echo thought deeply to himself as he reasoned why Silver was trustworthy. Silver was the only other 'Silver' wolf he knew, and vise versa. He couldn't see Silver leaving him because of this.

Echo wanted desperately to tell Silver his past, and how he got his ability. It wasn't that he didn't trust Silver, he was afraid of what she might think of him.

After minutes of nerve-wrecking silence, Silver lowered her head at Echo, trying to make eye contact with his downward focus.

" Echo?"

Echo looked up and saw her eyes. They were begging desperately for his story. He looked up and down her body, reading her body position. She was sitting a little more than a foot away from him, her broken leg throbbing from the pressure. But she seemed to not be bothered by it.

Her ears were erect and facing Echo with full attention. Her breathing was gentle as she forced herself to be patient. Her tail was slightly wagging from the anticipation.

Echo noticed that she was relaxed, and he figured that it was now or never. He sighed as he looked back at the ground, opening his mouth to break the long silence.

" It all started with a bullet... a man's bullet."

Silver's heart picked up a beat, knowing that man was dangerous. Echo looked up at her to find her breathing quicker. But he couldn't stop now.

" The bullet... um... the loud, sudden sound of it triggered my ability, and I could hear everything."

Silver could sense that he was avoiding mentioning something. She wanted to know. She felt as if it was paining Echo, that he needed to tell somebody what he was hiding.

She ignored his short story and moved closer to him. Her front paws touched his. Echo was taken aback by her behavior, and how she wasn't talking about his story. He looked into her eyes.

" Echo."

She spoke softly, almost in a whisper. Echo kept himself from backing away. Silver never removed her eyes from his.

" What is it? What is bothering you, Echo?"

As Echo thought about his backstory, he struggled to keep the tears back.

" I... I.."

Silver nuzzled his chest in the middle of his stutter.

" You can tell me, Echo. You can trust me."

Echo was frozen. He couldn't speak. His breathing was heavy. He was panicking inside and Silver knew it.

She licked his cheek affectionately.

" Echo, listen to me."

His ears twitched to tune in on only Silver's voice.

" Take a deep breath."

Echo did as he was told, slowly inhaling and exhaling with his eyes closed. His jaw clenched tight as he swallowed his doubt. Silver noticed how much trouble he was having, so he left it to his choice.

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