~Chapter Seven~

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The sky cried harder and harder as Echo made his way to Silver. He knew the wooden den the fallen tree made wouldn't hold up against the storm.

The storm made it difficult to see. Echo was forced to use his ears for navigation. He called for Silver multiple times so her voice could guide him.

As he journeyed, he thought of what Silver might think of his choice in his own exile. They had bonded over the last month during his visits. Echo still kept his backstory a secret.

" Echo!!"

Silver's call quickened his pace, and he found her with the den breaking from the harsh winds.

" Silver!! Watch out!!"

Silver's mouth gaped open in shock as she jumped out of the collapsing den. Her broken leg pained her as she limped on it. Echo came over and helped her keep stable.

" Come on, I know of another den."

Silver limped by his side as he led her through the storm. Minutes later, they walked into a den and Silver noticed something peculiar.

" This is my former den."

Echo turned around and faced her.

" I know."

Silver looked around in fear before returning her timid gaze to Echo. He smiled gently and lay down.

" Don't worry, The Tynders won't find us."

" But this is their new whelping den."

" Trust me, no wolf is going to go out in that storm. Just lay down and rest. We'll leave once the rain passes."

Silver lay down cautiously. A thought came to her mind when she looked back at Echo.

" Shouldn't you be getting back to your pack?"

Echo lifted his head and sighed.

" No, I... left."

Silver's eyes widened. She stared at Echo in fear for him.

" Echo, you have to go back. If Alpha finds you, he'll surely kill you."

Echo shook his head.

" Alpha gave me a choice. He said I could stay with the pack or leave."

Silver couldn't understand why he would want to leave, other than having an abusive leader. All she wanted was to have a pack, and the only wolf she was close to left her wish behind.

" But you had a pack. Why would you want to be a lone wolf? You had everything I've ever wanted, and you left it behind? What was the point?"

Echo looked away in hesitation. She was right, he had everything that she wanted. And he left it all behind.

" I... I left because of you."

Silver went silent. Echo looked at her silver eyes and continued his reason.

" I left because I care about you, not just because you're like me, but because you need someone by your side to help you."

Silver's mouth slowly opened as she realized that another wolf actually cared. Tears began to fill her shocked eyes as she looked away in deep thought.

Echo stood up and lay closer to her, touching his front paws with hers.

" Silver."

She looked back at him, tears now staining her white cheeks. Her ears perked forward as she listened to his soft voice.

" I'm willing to sacrifice my lifestyle to fit yours, Silver. I didn't want to be in that pack anymore anyway."

He leaned forward and licked her cheek.

" Silver. I want you to know that I care about you, I know that what you actually want is not just a pack, but a loyal friend who will stay by your side and not judge your eyes. Someone you can talk to without having to worry about them leaving. Someone who will listen to you and give you a shoulder to cry on."

Silver nodded as tears now dripped off her muzzle. She was so internally happy, she was speechless. Echo nuzzled her and licked her cheek before continuing.

" And Silver... I will be that someone."

His last words sent Silver crying into his chest. Echo smiled and licked the top of her head as she wept, her tears soaking his fur. Minutes later, they both fell asleep in each other's comfort, forgetting about the storm that thundered through the night.

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