~Chapter Forteen~

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The next week came by fast, and Silver was able to walk without a limp. Her and Echo woke up early in the morning to ready themselves for the rescue.

Silver stood up on her leg and walked around in the den. Echo sat and watched her intently, searching for any limps.

" How does it feel?"

Silver stopped in her tracks and smiled at him.

" Perfectly healed."

Echo wagged his tail in happiness and decided that they head out before daybreak. Once out in the forest, Echo looked around and rested his eyes on Silver.

" How are we to attract the men?"

Silver half-smiled.

" Like this."

She pointed her muzzle to the sky and howled a long tuneful note. Echo shrugged his shoulders and did the same.

After their howls, Echo activated his silver ability and listened intently for any humans. He closed his eyes to focus on the sounds.

No man ever showed up. Echo could only hear the sounds of nature. Silver sighed and looked at the ground in thought.

" Perhaps the men have set traps. Lets search for them and purposely get caught."

Echo noticed her positive tone as she explained the plan. He nodded and suggested that she use her color sight to distinguish the traps from their background.

Silver kept her gaze on the ground ahead while Echo kept his ears alert. Little did they know they were heading towards Tynder.

Silver found Alpha's scent marks before taking another step and bent down to take in the signs.

" This is Alpha's territory. There's more wolves in Tynder than the surrounding land so I'm sure there's a bunch of traps laying about."

Echo glared at Silver.

" Yes, but somebody had to tell Alpha that we are leaving Tynder."

Silver's ears jerked back at his tone of voice and emphasis on the word "somebody."

" I'm not the one who exiled them self. Besides, I never told Alpha that we weren't coming back."

" But you told him that he'll never see us again."

" Yeah, well, I lied. Let's go."

She crossed the border into the forbidden territory. Echo followed in hesitation, not wanting to get caught by Alpha again.

Silver kept a close eye on the ground ahead, searching for any inconspicuous traps. Echo kept his ears more alert for Alpha than the men.

An hour passed before Silver caught sight of a rope in the shape of a circle on the ground, hidden within the grass. Silver inspected it while Echo moved uncomfortably.

" I don't think we should be here, Silver."

Silver stopped her observations and smirked at him.

" Are you afraid of Alpha?"

Echo shifted his weight nervously.

" Of course I am. He nearly killed me in our last encounter."

Echo being as brave as he was, was terrified of Alpha. Anyone who saw Alpha would be fear stricken.

Alpha's fur and eyes were as black as coal, and they stared into the souls of his fellow wolves. Many wolves described him as demonic, rabid even. And any wolf would be smart to stay on his good side, if he had one.

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