~Chapter Five~

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Echo ran into the den just in time. Out of breath, he lay down in the same place as before, covering the fact that he had gone out that night.

His fur was still damp from the rain, and when Alpha awoke, he noticed it immediately.

" Well, Echo. I see that you were out in the storm."

Echo nodded as Alpha sniffed him over.

" You smell odd. For what reason did you go out?"

Echo knew he couldn't tell him about Silver, nor could he lie. Instead, he decided to tell the half truth.

" I'm sorry, Alpha. I thought I heard a pained howl in the night. I was hearing stuff again."

Alpha growled and rolled his eyes, facing his awakening pack.

" Of course you were, Echo."

He turned around to find the pack standing and stretching after a long stormy night. He grunted and shook his fur.

" Tynders, we are going to our new whelping den to rid that Lonely Scum's scent."

He lifted his muzzle in the air and inhaled the seasoned smell. A wide grin came across his face as he looked at the females.

" Summer will surely introduce some pups."

The Alpha female growled at him for eying the other females. He ignored her and looked outside at the newly lit up earth.

Echo glared at him and looked at their food storage, seeing it empty.

" We should hunt something first."

Alpha put his ears back and glared at him.

" Are you kidding? That cow we killed the other day will at keep us full for a few days. We don't need anymore food."

" But what about the future? We can at least hunt for later when we do get hungry."

Alpha snarled at Echo, causing him to coward in fear.

" I said we don't need food!"

He turned around at the watching pack.

" Tynders, let's head out."

Echo slowly stood as Alpha began to lead the pack outside.

" Well, you might not be hungry, but I am. So I'm going out to hunt a little snack for myself."

Alpha rolled his eyes but ignored him. With that, Echo ran out of the den to hunt for himself.

Alpha, meanwhile, lead the Tynders outside and into the forest towards Silver's former den. Echo went outside and sniffed the air for any scent from a rodent that he could easily catch by himself.

Soon enough, he caught the scent of a spring rabbit, and quickly bolted to the source. The rabbit, he found, was drinking at a fresh pond with its belated white winter coat now failing to camouflage itself from the newly green ground.

Echo crouched low in the growing grass. His stealthiness was missed by the rabbit as Echo pounced on it, killing it with a quick snap to the throat.

Echo then carried the small meal to the tree where Silver was waiting.

Silver jumped when she heard Echo coming through the bushes, fresh meat in his jaws. She nearly leapt for joy at seeing the uneaten meat. Silver yelped when she moved her leg, feeling the pain course through her hips.

Echo walked over and dropped the rabbit between her front paws. He then watched her eat hungrily.

Silver quickly ate, filling her empty stomach. She licked her lips after her last bite, looking up at Echo.

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