~Chapter Seventeen~

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The next morning, Elijah opened the door to the PreTesting Habitat. He went inside and found Silver and Echo sleeping in the den. He pulled out his dart gun and shot Silver again.

She didn't wake up or make a sound as he picked her up and placed her back into the cage. He began to walk out with Silver when he looked back at Echo. He sighed as he turned off the light and left without another sound.

Elijah met Jeremy in the Lab. He took Silver out and placed her on a metal table. The room was small, and each wall had a table to accompany it.

Tools rested on the many tables; pliers, tweezers, drills, needles, screwdrivers, knives, and even medicines of all kinds. The room was lit up by bright white lights.

Elijah went around Silver's table and put rubber gloves on. He then picked up a small flashlight and turned to face Silver. Jeremy stood next to the table, waiting for a command.

Elijah turned on the flashlight and spoke softly.

" Alright, Silver Eyes. Let's see what you can do."

He bent down and opened Silver's eye. He looked into it with the flashlight for a few seconds. Elijah then took a few DNA samples and studied them under a microscope.

" Hmmm."

Once these steps were done, he wrote down his discoveries in a journal:

#29- Silver Eyes.

She-wolf with Silver Eyes that enable her ability to see color and distance.

Captured- April 14, 2016

Elijah closed the journal and turned around to find Jeremy staring at him with confusion.

" What's with the confused look?"

Jeremy looked down at Silver and sighed.

" Why are we testing them?"

Elijah rolled his eyes. Jeremy was more caring for the wolves. He didn't understand why they had to do tests and studies. He didn't think their curiosity was worth capturing the wolves from the comfort of the forests.

" Really, Jeremy? You know why we are doing tests and studies."

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders. He was forgetful. Elijah looked at Silver then looked at his journal.

" We are doing studies because these aren't normal wolves. These wolves have powers that nobodies seen before."

" But why do we keep going? We already figured out what caused the powers when we captured Brutus."

" Because, Jeremy, each wolf has their own power. No two silver wolves are the same."

Jeremy shook his head.

" How do they have these powers again?"

" These wolves have-"

Silver began to wake up. Jeremy and Elijah jerked their heads towards her. Elijah slapped Jeremy's arm and pointed at Silver.

" Quick! Get her and her mate into the Silver Sanctuary!"

Jeremy acted quick and put Silver back into the cage. He left quickly and took her back to the PreTesting Lab.

Echo was put into his cage unconsciously.

Jeremy then took both cages to the large facility behind everything. He opened the doors and placed the cages inside the building, unlocked them, and left without another sound.

Bleh. Not very fond of my writing right now. I don't know, Jeremy and Elijah remind me of the main characters from the book, Of Mice and Men. If you've read it before or've seen the movie then you'll know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter more than I do. I really enjoy feedback ^v^. Thank you guys so much for all your support/votes/comments. I will try to have the next chapter out soon but I can't make a promise when.

I'm having trouble writing this part of the book because I didn't quite think this part through completely so I'm finding loopholes. I'm trying to perfect everything the best I can but you know, not that easy.

If you've read this far into this authors note then I applaud you.

Until the next chapter, Goodbye. O.O

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