JJCC Prince Mak

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(Y/n) Pov
It had been quite a harsh day yesterday. I, being in my last year of high school, failed my first chinese test of the semester. My chinese teacher, Mr Lee, checked with the my other subject teachers how well I had done for their tests and found out that it was his subject that I was failing. I was called to the staff room, along with Henry Mak. Henry Mak, also known as Prince Mak for his perfect features, was the top student in my chinese class.

When we arrived at the stuff room, Mr Lee took both mine and Prince Mak's test papers and compared them. "Look at the difference between your marks." He pointed out."Explain yourself."

I was speechless and couldn't look up. I stared at the floor fiddling with my fingers.

"Henry Mak, If you don't mind, could you tutor (y/n) in chinese?" He held Prince Mak's hand and looked like he was desperately begging. Prince Mak agreed and Mr Lee instructed him to tutor me everyday after school.


(Y/n) Pov
Today was the first lesson. Prince Mak and I met up in the library. Naturally, I had a huge crush on him. Prince Mak chose the sit at the very back of the library where there was little noise and fewer people. I sighed at I plopped onto the chair. He sat down besides me and laid out a few books which were all written in chinese. "Let's get started." He smiled and opened the first book. The Chinese characters seemed very similar - quite like the ones I learnt last year. " 志同道合(zhi tong dao he)" he read out. I pulled out a notebook and pen from my bag and started taking notes. "What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means, 'have common interest'." He answered but noticed the blank look on my face and further explained. "For example,..." he pulled his chair closer as he explained the meaning. I could smell the scent of his cologne teasing my senses, inviting me closer.

"Okay." I said when I finally understood and started writing down the example and explanation. When I finished, I looked up and noticed Prince Mak staring at me in a rather dreamily way. I could feel myself blushing and he snaps back to reality. He coughs and averts his eyes. "Urmm...Next is 公布 (gong bu). It means,'announce'."

"How is it written?" I asked. He pulled his chair even closer. I could feel his breath and blushed. He took my hand and guided it to write the character. I felt his face brush against mine as he did. As he finished writing the character, I pulled my hand away. For a second, he looked surprised but then soon smiled. He puts his hand on my cheek and slowly leaned in, lightly pressing his soft pink lips against mine. I felt him tilt his head and deepened the kiss before pulling back.

"我喜欢你. (wo xihuan ni | I like you.)" He admitted, whispering. I pecked his lips before answering, "我爱你. (wo ai ni | I love you)"

I apologise for my Chinese. 😂😂😂 I tried not to make the Chinese weird but I think I failed. On an unrelated note..., I'm failing in Chinese badly and need to pass. If you have any advice or methods on how I should study for Chinese, please comment. ily~ bye now 🙃

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