Chapter 7- A Glimpse of Bex in Action

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Chapter Seven- A Glimpse of Bex in Action

I turned around expecting to see Alice, Jack, and Aiden shocked at what they had just witnessed but they were acting completely normal. I guessed it was an everyday thing. I went to raise my pizza to my mouth again but stopped it centimeters away. I lowered my nose and sniffed it wondering if it was safe to eat. The smell coming off it was repulsive and I had no clue how Aiden and Jack, both being werewolves with heightened senses, were able to with stand it.

"The pizza's safe if that's why you're smelling it," Aiden mumbled to me trying to be quiet but Jack had obviously heard because he was now supporting a very large grin.

"Here I have an apple you can have. I don't really like apples and I have my egg salad," Alice tossed me an apple from across the table.

The second the apple hit my palm I dove in ravenously hungry. Alice, Isabelle, and I had nutrition fifth lesson at twelve forty-five but we didn't cook anything. All we did was go over the safety rules of working in the kitchen and go over what ingredients we would need for cooking next week.

My sharp teeth bit into the apple as the juice leaked past my lips and down my chin. I wiped the dribble with the back of my hand before looking up and giving Alice a crooked smile.

"Fanks," I mumbled.

"It's okay. Now hurry because class starts soon and you do not want to miss any of math. So much happens. We have math and P.E combined with band A so the classes are really big but they're so fun sometimes the lesson are dangerous though...! Aiden and Jack and Isabelle and Bex are all in the lessons with us," She grinned showing how excited she was with the fact that we all get combined lessons.

"You can finally meet our friend Levi," Aiden grinned towards me.

"If he decides to show up," Jack added as an after thought.

"He will," Aiden's grin didn't falter.

"How do- oh," As Jack figured out that Aiden meant he would be communicating by the pack mind link.

As I worked my way around the apple I took notice of the fact that it was really, really large. It took me at least ten minutes to eat meaning we had five minutes to make our way through the crowded halls, up three flights of stairs and to the end of the third floor to get to the math room we were meant to be in.

With that thought in mind I motioned to the three people who were occupying the table with me to come along. Alice stood up moments after I motioned to her but Aiden and Jack were still trying to shove as much food in their mouth as possible before we would have to go to class.

"Come on, guys," I called as Alice and I made our way towards the door.

Behind Alice and I, I could hear Aiden and Jack pushing each other out of the way to keep up with us. We had just about made it to the door when Isabelle joined next to Alice and the girl with the brown eyes stepped in sync with me.

"'Ello" She said greeting me "My name's Bex," Her English accent was much more prominent now that I was up close and not across the room.

"Hey, I'm Kaelie," I smiled at her while pushing open the door to get out of the cafeteria before glancing down to see if she really was wearing such black clothes. The only thing that wasn't black was her gold bracelets that littered her wrists. She had on a skin tight crop top underneath a loose black tank top that said 'Normal Is Boring' in white block letters. The top ended just above her shorts showing slivers of her flat stomach.

"Ya know staring is considered highly rude here. I know, I know shocking right? But I found out on my first day here that you can't even look at a person with out them screaming 'awhmagawd don't look at me like that you pervert! It's saaow graoss' and I'm just left looking at them while they act like idiots," she did a perfect imitation of Barbi's voice when she was showing me what they do.

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