Chapter 13- A Confession

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Chapter Thirteen- A Confession

Throughout this past week Alice has made it her sole intention to cheer me up from my intense PMS event. Tonight Alice arrange for Bex and Isabelle (herself included, obviously) to spend the night at my house for a girls Friday night in.

Truthfully, I've been dreading it all week because even though I don't find it difficult to breathe I still have a hard time smiling through the pain. I think that with my dreary mood I'll just drag Isabelle, Bex, and Alice down with me. Though I seriously doubt anything can bring down Alice's mood. She's like permanently happy.

I pushed my homework I was working on under my bed just as my bedroom door flew open and bounced off the wall behind it. Bex entered muttering under her breath how she had skipped a good party to be here so there better be good food and an amazing movie otherwise she's leaving.

About a minute later Alice walked in whacking Bex on the back of the head for being rude with Isabelle trailing behind her with a bottle of coca-cola under one arm and Vodka in the other. A smirk I had grown to expect covered her face.

"I tried to stop her from buying it but nooooo! No one ever listens to Alice! All she had to do was bat her eyelashes at the guy behind the counter and he practically bought it for her himself!" Alice rambled as she dropped Publix bags at the foot of my bed.

"It's not as bad as you, Alice! In those bags is a heart attack waiting to happen!" Alice let out a small giggle before Isabella continued "Seriously, though, who needs 10 bags of Hersey? Besides our goal this evening is to get our dear Kaelie to smile and how do we expect to do that without the help of alcohol?"

"I am right here, Isabelle," I chuckled quietly before leaning over the edge of my bed to search through the bags Alice brought with them.

"Well done. It's not like we'd spend the night at your house without you, dumb ass," Bex snickered as she walked towards the window seat.

Shaking my head at the two of them I shuffled back a little bit so I could comfortably lie on my stomach facing the mirror wall. Tucking my arms under my chin, Alice leapt onto the bed and lay on my bed horizontally.

"I'm not going to be drinking anyway guys!" I said mostly to Isabelle.

"I told you, didn't I? I flipping told you! You just wasted 20 bucks!" Alice gloated while throwing her hands up into the air and groaning.

"No I didn't. Bex and I will drink it, won't we, Bex?" Isabelle called towards her partner in crime. Bex groaned in response as Isabelle sat facing me with her back against the mirror wall. Bex was lying across the window seat with her feet in the air resting on the wall.

"BEX! Get your feet off the wall, dammit! I do actually want clean walls!" I groaned before letting my head fall onto my folded arms well aware Bex would do nothing to abide by my house rules.

"'Ight. What movie are we gon' be watching? The Exorcist? Nightmare on Elm Street? The Human Centipede?" Bex started listing before Alice cut her off

"No way! They're so scary and stupid. We'll definitely be watching Harry Potter, Catching Fire, Divergent, and Mortal Instruments!"

"How about a mix of sci-fy and horror? Like Prometheus?" Isabelle started "Or better yet why don't we watch a Disney movie?!"

"Dude... What the hell?" Bex exclaimed while flipping her feet over her head, landing on the floor giving Isabelle the weirdest look ever.

"What? Disney is the best!" Isabelle shrugged her shoulders before chuckling at the conversation.

"You know what?" Alice started

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