Chapter 12- An Introduction to Hell

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Chapter Twelve- An Introduction to Hell

After Levi ran off we started walking back to the changing rooms as normal. However, today I wasn't paying attention to the conversations like I normally would. When we finally got back into the changing room I started to feel panicked. I had no clue why but I felt as if I had to make sure someone wasn't hiding in the showers...

Not even ten seconds later though, I was perfectly fine and felt like giving Alice a hug. Don't worry, I didn't... That would just be weird. Almost like three seconds after deciding not to give Alice a hug I felt guilty for not hugging her... What the heck? Then, as if it wasn't weird enough in the first place, I felt frustrated for feeling guilty for not giving Alice a hug in the first place.

As soon as I thought about giving Alice a hug to see if my emotions would stop going haywire I felt my breath being ripped from my lungs and the air around me too thick to breathe let alone gasp.

I felt crowded in my skin; as if threads were the only thing stopping me from falling apart on the floor in a trembling heap. Sweat dribbled down my spine, plaguing me.

My eyes and throat burnt as I tried to stop myself from crying. My cheeks itched under the escaping tears as they streamed down my face. In the distance, I could her people call my name as I fell to my knees clutching my stomach.

It felt like someone grabbed my internal organs and twisted and pulled every which way trying to pull them external. The pangs of shuddering wracked through my bones making me tremble.

Pressure built up in my chest and my heart felt like it could burst at any moment. I wept so much my head began to pound to a melodic beat luring me darkness. I wept until sleep eventually came, taking pity on my torment and pulled me into my calming black abyss. A place so dark the pain throughout my body froze allowing me a precious few seconds of pure bliss.


To me, it felt like seconds before I awoke in my own bed with Aiden and Noelle clutching my frozen hands. However, according to Alice it felt like an eternity as they stood guard, watching my face flicker between emotions every couple of minutes.

By the time I woke up it was dark out and my clock read 1:37am. Astounded, I tried to sit up before I realised too late that any quick movements will shake my head making the pounding return.

For an entire week I slowly stumbled through the days feeling nothing but a full throb. It became a source of reason keeping me placing one foot in front of the other. The slow




Was the only thing that made sure I didn't stop in the middle of the crowded hallways and drag myself to a dark corner, to huddle in a tight ball waiting for the end of the pain.

I suppose if you watched my from Aiden's point of view you would see a sad, broken girl with no explanation of why I was behaving like that.

It really came as no surprise Aiden tried to cheer me up. When he showed me the gorgeous bracelet he bought me instantly fell in love the the pearl and ruby pattern.

That is until I tried it on only to feel an intense burning where the rubies came in contact with my skin. I didn't want to offend Aiden by ripping it off my wrist like I wanted to so I left the room with the excuse that I needed the bathroom.

As soon as I was far enough away from the room I tore the bracelet off my wrist to inspect the little red beads. When I brought it close to my eye and held it up to the light, I could see little flickers of red, orange and yellow. Almost like a fire...

Dropping the bracelet in the middle of the foyer I backed up against the old grandfather clock. The bracelet was made of normal pearls and a rare gem called 'Hell's Fire Rock' it looks extremely similar to a ruby but when brought to an experienced eye you can see the light fly through it making it look like a fire was trapped inside.

It was so rare because only fallen angels could access it. It was found deep in the firey pits of Hell and rendered God's followers useless.

It was so dangerous to me because it was my only weakness. It stopped my powers from working leaving me defenceless when in the wrong hands.

This is seriously bad news.


Did anyone see the new Catching Fire? OMG it was amazing! It was such a good movie!!! And I think it was much better than The Hunger Games because they didn't leave out any big characters like Madge... I mean seriously who doesn't include Madge? It's going to be difficult for them when they do MockingJay let's just say that... And ohemgee Johanna Mason in the elevator like what the heck? Provocative muchhhh? ;)

Okay so have a good time reading this:) if you haven't already seen Catching Fire I highly recommend it! I would definitely give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (if you're too lazy to count that's five stars;) )




P.s please don't forget to vote and comment! It makes my day! Like for instance if you don't believe me ask my friend Alice! (And grace) we were fangirling over the fact that it had 2.8k reads last night and after school it had 2.9k reads, an increase of 14 votes and 4 comments! That's astounding and so cool! It really does mean a lot to me so thank you everyone who isn't a silent reader and votes!

I do forgive you though if you forget because I do that all the time like I would be reading a book and start voting on each chapter and it gets interesting and ten chapters later I remember I forgot to vote... :/

Okay bye now:P


Song suggestion

Fall Out boy 'Uma Thurman'


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