Chapter 5- The Dream

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Chapter Five- The Dream

I was sitting under a large oak tree that was swaying slightly in the wind. I sat confused at where I was because one second I was drifting through blissful blackness I call sleep and then I was here, lost in the farthest corner of my mind without a map as to how to return home.

The only green spot in the whole field was where I was sitting. The long white dress I had somehow acquired brushed my feet and flew in every direction as I turned around in circles looking for a path to take. Brilliantly white flowers stretched as far as my eye could see.

In the distance I could see two people slowly walking towards me as if they had all the time in the world. I raised my hands in a defensive position when the lady's voice carried through the wind towards me.

"Do not be afraid, Kaelie, you're safe"

Confused as to how she could know my name I ran through possible places at to where I could have ever seen her before. As my mind registered both her and the man but I couldn't place where they were, where I had seen them before they advanced towards me until they were right in front of me. Do I know them?

"Of course you know us, dear, you're just not registering the faces because the last time you saw us you were little"

Are you reading my mind?

"Yes, we both are. It's our gift. You have it too," This time it was the man answering. I couldn't see any Aura around the back of their heads but I didn't feel as if they would attack me.

"We would never attack you, darling," The woman's short blonde hair resembled Mac's. Her eyes looked like freshly mown grass in the summer time.

"I think her eyes are the most beautiful thing about her," The man spoke drawing my attention to him. He had an arm wrapped around the woman's small frame with his own hair blowing in the wind. A strand of dark brown hair -like mine- fell in front of his bright blue eyes which caught my attention. The blue eyes had swirls of green and dark brown twisted throughout them and flecks of gold around the pupils. Exactly the same as mackenzie, my sister.

Mom? Dad?

"I'm glad you finally remembered us, Kaelie." I was estatic! I slowly walked up to them before throwing my arms around their midsection. My arms were rested on them, they were actually there. They wouldn't disappear before my very eyes just like before. I knew the children at the orphanage were lying when they said they would leave me again if they ever came back. However it seemed all thoughts of it just being a dream escaped my mind leaving me blissfully happy.

"We left you to protect you, Madison, and we hope that when the time comes you'll know what you have to do to protect the little girl we left in your protection," My mind slide back to Mac. I had to leave her alone in the orphanage to fend for herself. She had no one. No one to protect her against the harsh truth of the world- My mind froze leaving me the picture of the little girl in the alley way. The one with the bright blue eyes and red hair. The eyes looked so much like Mackenzie's but I just dismissed it with the fact that millions of people had blue eyes. But she looked exactly like she was going through her phase...

When Angels reach the age of eleven they go through a 'phase' that is almost like the human's puberty. You get moody as you start to come to terms with your powers. You go from having no control to be able to manipulate everything around you. It's kind of sensory overload.

It's the Adam and Eve scenario. It's the dark times you go through; if you stray down the wrong path, with that much power in the wrong hands it's bad news.

I chose to stay on the right path and help those in need. I haven't known anyone who has actually chosen the dark side but there are plenty of horror stories based on them.

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