Chapter 19- Lurking in the Shadows

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Chapter Nineteen- Lurking in the Shadows

The next morning, Mac and I woke up early and ate breakfast before going into the clearing I had found before to train. We had been up since 6am so it didn't come to a surprise that Mac was already tired by 10. I wasn't taking it easy on her. She had a lot to catch up on now that we're reunited.

The first hour wasn't too bad. I taught her everything I knew about us and she seemed to take it pretty well. I even told her about my dream with our parents. She told me about her meeting with Kenna and how she said she would come looking for us. I explained to her the significance of the Hell's Fire Rock, the different types of angels, and the powers they can have. 

The highest Angel is the Seraphim angel. They are the guardians sent to defend God's throne. They are able to tap into any being's mind and bend the elements. They also have a natural ability to fight.

Second are Cherubs. They are viewed as the hands of God or helpers of God. They are humanlike in appearance but are double winged and the guardians of God's glory. They symbolize God's power and mobility. They are traditionally described as angels who have unlimited supply of God's knowledge and continually praise him.

Thrones are the angels of pure humility, peace, and submission. They reside in the areas of the cosmos where their material begins to take shape. The lower choirs of angels need a throne to access God. They have the ability to heal all. 

Dominions are angels of leadership. They regulate the duties of angels and make sure the commands God has sent are fulfilled. They are able to enter other angels' dreams and communicate with them. Many dominions that are disguised as humans are confused with sociopaths.

The fifth angels are the Virtues. They are known as the Spirits of Solari, and control the stars. They are sometimes referred to as the "Shinning ones." They govern all of nature and have control over the stars, moons, and planets. The sun has been known to be subject of their command. They are also in charge of miracles and provide courage, grace, and valor. Sometimes Virtues have the ability to see the future.

The sixth and final angel in the choir of angels are the Powers. They are the warrior angels sent to fight against evil and defend the cosmos and humans. They are also known as the "Imperial ones" who fight the evil spirits set out to wreck havoc among humans.

When angels phase, not only do they come to terms with what type of angel they are but they also learn of which abilites they possess. They have the chance to recieve one out of three possible gifts. 

They first type of gift is given to archangels. When an angel's gift is that of an archangel's, it means they are the highest type. The angel's sole purpose if to protect the innocent and hurts anyone who stand in their way preventing them from completing their job. They form a protective arc around the subject in times of duress. They can enter other's minds but cannot ad to their thoughts. Human weapons do not injure archangels.

The next possible gift is presented to healers. They can be injured by human weapons but not killed. They have the ability to heal anyone with one touch. As well as healing people, they can do the opposite to their enemies. Their eyes contain an extra rod which allows them to see an even wider array of auras and gives them night vision.

The last gift is for manipulators. Similarly to archangels and healers, they have enhanced senses,  healing abilities, and can see in the dark. They also have the ability to bend their victims minds and make them to submit to their plans.

I found out Mac was healing throne. So we spent the rest of the day discovering all her abilites and learning how to perfect them. It was a lot of work but it was worth it. Already she had control over her body and was much more skilled than when she woke that morning.


Unbeknownst to the two young girls, one of the hunters sat up in a tree watching their every move, word, and exchange. By the time the girls were ready to head back home for lunch, he was an expert in all things relating to them. 

The two girls ran off laughing, clueless to the horror that would soon come their way when he reports the news. He ran in the opposite direction to where the hunters had gathered for a meeting. 

The clan was lead by the Cacciatore family, and the meeting directed by Francisco.  The spying hunter filled in the leader and together the hunters made a plan.

They shall kidnap the youngest Adonael child as soon as the moment presents itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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